
So sorry for not posting on my book "Wish Upon A Star". Writer's block is mean. I'll post as soon as I can, though!


Hey guys! For all those who read Wish Upon A Star, I'm sorry that I haven't updated. I'm having some problems getting past writer's block and I've had a busy week with school. But I will try to get that next chapter out for you :)


this message may be offensive
          lol, also, so I was driving with my instructor and I have a bit of road rage, and I was being sassy and yelling at someone and he just loses his shit and starts laughing. 


@WhiteLion11 I swear that just made my day :D


First, you almost make me cry because you said that I'm beautiful and then, you follow me. I can't thank you enough. 


You are so very welcome. Don’t thank me for telling the truth. Even if I can’t see you, I know that you are beautiful. I am constantly in your position. I guess, all we need is a friend to bring us up. That is, if you will let me. I’d love to be your friend :)


Hey guys! So as you may or may not know, I have posted a new story: Wish Upon A Star. I am planning on posting a new chapter every Friday! Yay! I have been working on this book for a while now. I had originally started it in 8th grade but I got bored and came down with a major case of writer's block and major loss of inspiration. BUT, I have finally picked it up again. I hope you guys like it! If you happen to read it of course. :)


So, I know I rant a lot but some people hav this expectation that is no where near reality. So just bear with me please, thank you for all of those who put up with me. 
          So yeah, but I see on Instagram or Snapchat, etc., that people expect girls to have an hourglass figure, perfect looks, flat stomach, perfect smile, great butt/chest, whatever. But see, us girls come in our own little packages. We are perfect in our own way. All of those characteristics above are almost impossible without some type of surgery. It’s not logical. We are larger. We are skinny. We are short. We are tall. We are trans. We are bi. We aren’t your type of perfect. But we are ours. We are someone’s perfect. Don’t post hate about someone’s size. Or gender. Or the way they look. Or how they dress. Or their body. Some girls are flat chested: it doesn’t make them any less perfect. Some girls have larger chests. Doesn’t make them sluts. Some girls don’t have an hourglass figure. So what? Suck it up and deal with it. YOU CANNOT HAVE ALL THESE EXPECTATIONS AND EXPECT US TO NATURALLY BE THAT WAY. You can not customize a girl and think she’ll show up. Just because a girl isn’t what you expected, don’t shame her for not being what you want. She is what someone else wants. There are people out there that will love her for her, regardless. So if you don’t like our bodies because we aren’t dangerously skinny and have a shape, do not shame us and bring us down.