
Hi everyone I'm very well aware that it's been more than a year but I think it's about time I came back to my fic, would you guys be interested in more? 
          	Bit out of the loop! 


Hi everyone, 
          So sorry for the massive hiatus, between schoolwork and my computer crashing (which resulted in me loosing all of my chapters as well as work), I haven't been really eager to post however the new series 10 trailers have inspired me to write again and hopefully (very ambitious) catch up on where Missy and the show's plot is before the new series airs!


          I know it has been absolutely ages since I've been active on my account but I've only just realised in full depth of how little I have been doing with 'A Small Eternity'. Some plot points most definitely need to be fixed up so I may go back to my past few chapters and do some editing (If I do end up doing this I will alert you). Despite all this I am hoping to have a new chapter up in around a week, I've had a LOT of formatting problems and some chapters switched themselves around but I should get it all sorted out soon!
          Thankyou so much!