
Been putting in more work on Sub-Space, but here on Wattpad I’m legit dead. Don’t expect any more from me, most likely I may move to a different platform if I want to full send with my writing. Outside of that, this is pretty much a good bye. Hope you enjoyed my half-assed work!


@Steel_Blade92 my email recently pinged me about this, thanks for wishing me luck. I’m glad to hear you liked the “works” I made as a young teen! Currently I’m on track with my life, but I have constantly thought of the idea to come back. I have been developing the idea for my story for some time, but I’m sorry to say that I just don’t have the writing skills to take short sentences into a full blown story. If I do happen to learn these skills at some point, I’ll be back for sure.


@WhyanAccount  I've just read through both of your stories and I've loved both of them, but if you want to leave then I wish you good luck in your life and may you try to come back here once more if you wish too.


Been putting in more work on Sub-Space, but here on Wattpad I’m legit dead. Don’t expect any more from me, most likely I may move to a different platform if I want to full send with my writing. Outside of that, this is pretty much a good bye. Hope you enjoyed my half-assed work!


@Steel_Blade92 my email recently pinged me about this, thanks for wishing me luck. I’m glad to hear you liked the “works” I made as a young teen! Currently I’m on track with my life, but I have constantly thought of the idea to come back. I have been developing the idea for my story for some time, but I’m sorry to say that I just don’t have the writing skills to take short sentences into a full blown story. If I do happen to learn these skills at some point, I’ll be back for sure.


@WhyanAccount  I've just read through both of your stories and I've loved both of them, but if you want to leave then I wish you good luck in your life and may you try to come back here once more if you wish too.


Well I'd like to say I'm dead on Wattpad, but I'm kinda not? I've been working on something I should have been working on from the start of Sub-Space: ZERO, the timeline. I have to properly create a world before I can actually start working on the actual writing portion. I'm pretty far right now, and I'm confident that I'll be done in about 3 months. After that, I'll start working on making the story here. If you want you can look at the story I've written so far as well as the timeline itself. DM me if you want to see them (note: the timeline has big spoilers and lots of plotholes). In your message, tell me which one you want to see and I'll give you a google drive link that let's you comment. I'm really looking forward to your opinions, and feel free to be as critical (NOT insulting) as you want.


Soooooooo, just out of curiosity of who's following me, which of you actually read and enjoy my stories? Do you suggest them to other people? Or do you just read?


Yeah, that’s what I’ve been trying to to in Sub-Space ZERO. I’m trying to add as much detail as possible without it getting boring. Also I thing your should replace the “e” in “there with an “‘y”


@WhyanAccount I follow you. I've read some of your books, and there good. But I would suggest adding more detail


Well, I’ve decided. War Robots Online: The Climb to Master League, it’s done.
          More like, I’m done with it. I’ve read through the entire thing, and I don’t want to change or add anything. I like the cliffhanger I put in. You don’t know what happens to the Guild of Determination. I wanted you to wonder about that. Now about the changing part... I want to leave my old writing the way it is, as a memento of my past. But as I begin Sub-Space ZERO, I’m going to show you all how I’ve reached the point where I am now.  


Just out of shear disappointment, I strongly suggest that all my stories from before the year 2019 (that includes chapters that weren't from 2019) should have their disclaimers read. I need people to understand that a lot of my stories area from when I was 11-12, and are are really bad. Even I don't like some chapter. But they are what they are, especially in War Robots Online: The Climb to Master League. And with this one, I would like to mention that this is getting REBOOTED, that's right, R-E-B-O-O-T-E-D. It's going to be Sub-Space ZERO, and I already have it in-progress.


Hey guys! I’m leaving for vacation the day I post this, ima be gone for three weeks. The place I’m going to doesn’t always have internet connection, so I may not update for some time. I’m able to edit my stories offline, so maybe I can do that instead to keep writing. I’m thinking of making a schedule soon once I start school so that I can learn to write better on a timed budget. Keep on reading folks!


Hey, I’ve been thinking for a LONG time, and I’ve decided: I’m going to re-do War Robots Online. I’m done with the fanfic feel, and I want to focus more on my main plot line, “Adventuring through the Multiverse”
          If you can, I’d like to know if you want to have me re-write the old story on a new section, so that the old story is saved.


Ok, so currently WRO is at 20,498 words, and I want to edit 16 total chapter so that they end out being roughly at 1,000 or more words. I also plan on adding more chapters to get in the 40-50 range and maybe combine a few parts for consistency’s sake. So my prediction as to where my story will end in words is about maybe 40-50K or more since I plan on adding more fights into the game ark. Take a guess in the comments on where you think it will stop! I’m planning on making an acknowledgment chapter in there as well, and the winner(s) with the closest guess(es) will be added! Share this if you can with others so we can get some sort of competition going on!