
So hello everyone I know I have been on and off about writing and all what not , but am very sorry for These of passiveness, and I come up to you with this work (I wanted to publish it only once completed but I decided that it should grow with you guys) hopefully you'll like them, they are called spilt Milk.


So hello everyone I know I have been on and off about writing and all what not , but am very sorry for These of passiveness, and I come up to you with this work (I wanted to publish it only once completed but I decided that it should grow with you guys) hopefully you'll like them, they are called spilt Milk.


Dear Friend, 
          Hello! Are you having a great day? If not, I want to share these words to you from our Lord in heaven. 
          It is found in 1 Corinthians 10:13. It says: ... God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.
          Whatever trials you are undergoing right now, remember that God is so good that He won't let trials that you can't handle come to you. And God is so faithful that when trials come to you, He gives a way that you may escape it as long as you resist the devil. It's because the devil gives these trials. 
          But then, why does God allows these trials? Let's check the bible. 
          Behold, I have refined thee ... I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction.
          When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold. 
          Job 23:10
          Isaiah and Job tells us that God allows these trials to come to us to REFINE us through the furnace of affliction. So when we come out, we are a better person--precious and shined like gold. 
          But then, where is God during the times when we are troubled? 
          Isaiah 43:2 tells us... 
          When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you: 
          That's right! When we go through the waters of trouble, God is with us. And the waters (troubles) will not overcome us for He is with us! 
          Before I end this letter, the Holy Spirit wants to impart to you one last promise.
          He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.
          May these words cheer you today!
          I'm a messenger at @We-unite community. If you have life issues, come and check us out! 
          God loves us all. Including you! :D


@Gavri_Writes  thank you dear stay blessed


"Everyday may not be good, but there is something good in everyday."


I think I will taking a break out of here,  for a very long time 


You had to first of all you gotta give us THE RESULTS 


@WildMoon0 am just tired,  dissapointed and really there is nothing keeping me here 


Is that Itachi I see in your background *peels eyes*