
Thanks so much for all of the support! If you haven't already, I'd love it if you could check out my account where I keep all of my originals! It's @_surreality :) ❤️
          P.S. The following link goes to places where you can use your voice & resources to help other people in crisis, including but not limited to the #BlackLivesMatter movement and the humanitarian crisis, epidemic, and pandemic currently taking place in Yemen.


Thanks for adding 'Daughter of Mirkwood' to your reading list! I hope you love it. Don't forget to leave some votes if you do and I'd love to hear what you think in the comments! 
          And if you're interested, I do also have a second Lord of the Rings story from the same series called "Daughter of Rohan". 
          Thanks again, and I’m excited to hear from you!! 
          Happy Reading!