
this message may be offensive
To my fewest friends, followers, readers, I am so awfully fucking sorry I went inactive for the past two weeks? Or was it a month? I don’t know I lost track of time... 
          	But please let me explain...
          	So basically I went to court-
          	The reason I went inactive was that they told me to deactivate every single social media I have, including this platform. I’m not allowed to share anymore information other than what I have now because I don’t want to go to jail. 
          	Again, I’m sorry. Awfully sorry. I’m making a book of why things are the way they are in the future if they get off my back once and for all. I’ll try to get my motivation back and get back to writing crappy stories.


I am now actually, thanks!


this message may be offensive
To my fewest friends, followers, readers, I am so awfully fucking sorry I went inactive for the past two weeks? Or was it a month? I don’t know I lost track of time... 
          But please let me explain...
          So basically I went to court-
          The reason I went inactive was that they told me to deactivate every single social media I have, including this platform. I’m not allowed to share anymore information other than what I have now because I don’t want to go to jail. 
          Again, I’m sorry. Awfully sorry. I’m making a book of why things are the way they are in the future if they get off my back once and for all. I’ll try to get my motivation back and get back to writing crappy stories.


I am now actually, thanks!


You have been selected to participate on a Positivity Chain! 
          You have to say 5 POSITIVE things you like about yourself, PUBLICLY. 
          And, just to top it all off, select 10 people of your choice that you think is amazing, and tell them this so they can continue the PPPOOOSSSIIITTTIIVVVVIIITTTYYYYYY! 


O.o Positive things about myself huh? Lmfao I guess im kinda good in art, I like my voice that makes me sound like a manly man, Im actually really good in English although its not my first language, I like the fact that Im a SUCCULENT VIRGIN.
            Also: I think youre also amazing \(^0^/)