I'm Willow and I'm 16 years old. 
I am your average sixteen year old girl, I kind of love Tumblr and BBC television.
I am a fangirl of sorts, Sherlock and Doctor Who are my life.
I also love writing a lot, I try to tell myself I am good at it, but you can be the judge of that.
I will have some stories I have been working on ASAP.
This is probably my fifth Wattpad, but you know passwords and such.
If you ever want to talk to me, you can email me at: willow.martinn@gmail.com
You can follow me on Twitter: @awkwardthumbs
Or at Tumblr: ultracumbersome
You could of my personal Facebook, but I don't really do much Wattpad things on there. That would be Willow Martin.
Thank you for visiting my profile or following me, if you ever want me to check out one of your stories or give you a review, just post on my message board with a link and I will check it out!
Thanks for your time!

  • Missouri, USA
  • IscrittoJanuary 4, 2014