
Chapter Nineteen of The Silence Agenda has been posted!  
          	Reminder that this is the last chapter before the hiatus I previously announced. 
          	Since engagement has not improved, it is extremely likely that I'll be taking this book down from Wattpad sometime during the hiatus and posting it solely on Substack. Please let me know ASAP if you really don't want me to do that. And this is directed not just to my known readers on here, but if you're following along at all! 
          	Once of my goals during this hiatus is to figure out ways to improve my engagement with this book and get more people talking about it and sharing it, but I also want it to be a bit more streamlined. Part of why I started posting to Wattpad and to Substack at the same time was because I wanted to see which platform had better reception, and at this point, Substack seems to be the clear winner. 
          	Again, speak now or forever hold your peace. Wattpad just isn't what it used to be anymore. Without forums and ways to meet other people on this site, I just do not see how I can promote it without promoting it on other sites as well, in which case I'd rather just stick with my substack publication. 
          	Thank you very much for understanding, and for those of you who are, thank you for reading!


Ok! I’ll be sure to check my notifications for that, wattpad is a wasteland for me too 


@ravenfemme It's okay, I haven't been checking wattpad either! It's still on hiatus for now either way, but I might actually be keeping it up after all, 'cause it looks like the watty's this year include ongoing stories (I mean it IS finished but not complete on here). So I'm gonna look more into that, but I'm still not sure what I'm going to do. I'll let you know if I do decide to take it off Wattpad, since I think you're the only person actively reading it on here, unfortunately, but I will definitely continue to post on Substack once it comes off of hiatus!


Oh no! I didn’t see this!! I’m still reading!!!


Chapter Nineteen of The Silence Agenda has been posted!  
          Reminder that this is the last chapter before the hiatus I previously announced. 
          Since engagement has not improved, it is extremely likely that I'll be taking this book down from Wattpad sometime during the hiatus and posting it solely on Substack. Please let me know ASAP if you really don't want me to do that. And this is directed not just to my known readers on here, but if you're following along at all! 
          Once of my goals during this hiatus is to figure out ways to improve my engagement with this book and get more people talking about it and sharing it, but I also want it to be a bit more streamlined. Part of why I started posting to Wattpad and to Substack at the same time was because I wanted to see which platform had better reception, and at this point, Substack seems to be the clear winner. 
          Again, speak now or forever hold your peace. Wattpad just isn't what it used to be anymore. Without forums and ways to meet other people on this site, I just do not see how I can promote it without promoting it on other sites as well, in which case I'd rather just stick with my substack publication. 
          Thank you very much for understanding, and for those of you who are, thank you for reading!


Ok! I’ll be sure to check my notifications for that, wattpad is a wasteland for me too 


@ravenfemme It's okay, I haven't been checking wattpad either! It's still on hiatus for now either way, but I might actually be keeping it up after all, 'cause it looks like the watty's this year include ongoing stories (I mean it IS finished but not complete on here). So I'm gonna look more into that, but I'm still not sure what I'm going to do. I'll let you know if I do decide to take it off Wattpad, since I think you're the only person actively reading it on here, unfortunately, but I will definitely continue to post on Substack once it comes off of hiatus!


Oh no! I didn’t see this!! I’m still reading!!!


ANNOUNCEMENTS! If you're reading Silence Agenda on here, please read! 
          Apologies for not keeping up with my posting here on Wattpad! 
          I've now updated my chapters of The Silence Agenda to be the same as what I've posted on Substack! I will continue to update it here for the next week, but since I don't have much readership at this point, I am considering taking it off of Wattpad since my engagement on Substack has been much better. 
          Also I didn't get a chance to announce here, but I will be going on a posting hiatus in June at the end of this part (so two more chapters to go until then!) 
          If I don't get significant improvement in my engagement over the next week before my hiatus, I will most likely be removing the book from Wattpad.


Chapter Six of The Silence Agenda is now published! I swear I won't make an announcement every single time, since I do have a regular update schedule, but I just wanted to let you all know that I went back and fixed some formatting issues in the first five chapters so it should read a bit better now. I still can't format it exactly how I like, but I was able to make sure that the bold and italic text was there. Moving forward I shouldn't have those issues, but I might still kinda play around with format a bit as I'm figuring it out, so thanks for your patience. Also just a reminder that I am technically still editing this book, so it's subject to some changes (nothing major most likely, just small changes).


Welcome to my page! This is where I will be publishing my original novel, The Silence Agenda, updates Wednesday/Friday/Sunday! Once the entire book is complete, I'll be taking it down and publishing it as a regular e-book so now is your chance to read the book for free one chapter at a time! 
          If you'd rather subscribe to my substack, feel free to do so at the link in my profile! This will deliver the book straight to your inbox, and will be updated at the same time as the story here on Wattpad. I also have a paid subscription tier on Substack, if you'd like to support me monetarily, but for now, The Silence Agenda is 100% free to read. 
          Thank you for joining me on this journey! I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I have enjoyed writing it!