
I apologize for being so inactive here on Wattpad, but I just wanted to quickly say that I will be unpublishing all of my stories, so then I can work on them to make them a bit less cringy?? Like my Minecraft Story Mode one, I don't really like how I wrote it back then so I would like to update them.  I will be republishing them as soon as I have updated all the chapters in it, so hopefully It won't take long.


I apologize for being so inactive here on Wattpad, but I just wanted to quickly say that I will be unpublishing all of my stories, so then I can work on them to make them a bit less cringy?? Like my Minecraft Story Mode one, I don't really like how I wrote it back then so I would like to update them.  I will be republishing them as soon as I have updated all the chapters in it, so hopefully It won't take long.


I meant to mention this is the other post I just made a few minuets ago. I am going to change up the Treasure Planet story up too! Except that's going to be a HUGE change. I wanted to start it off a bit differently and have yours and Jim's relationship be different at the beginning. What's changing is that you're John Silvers son. So you and Jim don't know each other at the beginning. I'm hoping to be able to work on making that change tonight (Starting now, just don't know if ill finish editing it fully tonight) it really just depends on how I'm feeling because I just started my first job so I've been extremally tired when I get home.


Hello, uh I'm sorry for not working on any of my stories but my schedule is SO packed since I'm not in a Musical at my school, going to the gym once every week, and now that softball is starting up for me, leaving me with only Fridays and Sundays to try and write. So that's going to be my schedule for writing (which is what I'm going to do when I get home). And I'm sorry but the Yuri Plisetsky X Male Reader story is discontinued since I have no motivation what so ever to continue it. I'm hoping to write a chapter or two of the Jim Hawkins X Male Reader tonight, and maybe work on the Leon S Kennedy X Male Reader Book 1 tonight too. 
          Anyways here my plan, so keep and eye out tonight for an update in a book. I'm hopefully going to be sticking to writing so then I can finish these books and start new ones. But I wouldn't mine having some ideas for what I should write once I'm done so let me know if you have somthing in mind. Have a good day!!!


I'm going to redo the Leon X Male Reader story cause I don't like how it started in chapter 1. So little spoiler, your a Cop of Raccoon city that works very close with Marvin Branagh and was with him when the Police  Station gets attacked by Zombies. 
          Sorry for not posting, I don't have a computer that working Keys anymore so its hard for me to type stuff without getting easily unmotivated from anger. So i'm going to change the Leon X Male Reader story and probably update a chapter of it or another story sometime soon cause I've been spending too much time reading story's an writing little ones on Tublur. 
          I shall get to work!!


I feel like I say this too much but I'm sorry again for not posting anything, I've been getting into the movies Spree and Free Guy because of one man and that man is named Joe Keery. Like why the hell is he so hot in everything he is played in from a ass beating babysitter to serial killer, to nerdy video game producer, he just looks hot and adorable in everything he does. I'm trying to not work on storys with any of those movies/ TV shows with his character cause I have so much to do already on here but on my Tumblr I take requests for short little one-shots from multiple different shows/movies so take a look and send a request my way on there. Anyways I'm gonna upload a chapter or two of something somepoint tonight so- Have a good night/day! 
          (Idk if you can use the link so )


Yo everyone! It's been a long while since I've typed somthing here. But I've been working on a story for a Year so far that's is soon to come here on Wattpad, it's an original story I've created with the help of my Girlfriend and our Minecraft characters and our friends, here is a little preview about the story...
          The story is Called 'Connected' and it's about this girl named Yuri who lives with her older brother Yukio. They both live close to a village that their two best friends are the Mayor, they are two brothers named Landen and Gavin. One night after having dinner with Landen and Gavin, Yuri and Yukio were on there way home until Yukio could hear somthing from the market area to see a hooded figure stealing food. Yukio tried to stop the figure but they got away, a few days later they we're found and arrested for there crimes. Yuri pitied the man knowing he was just trying to survive, she she takes him in to live with her and Yukio. For trouble to happen.
          Soon To Wattpad!! 


@Winking100 omg it looks so good can't wait


Good Afternoon/Morning! Hey guys, so I'm so So SO sorry that I haven't posted any chapters on any of my storys in months! I'm going to stay up late tonight and work on a chapter for every story I have posted!! So, I hope you guys like that!! Anyways gave a great rest of you day/night!!!


Hello everyone! So im planning on deleting my Jack Frost X Male Reader because I honestly have NO motivation to write more of it at the moment. It may come back later in the future but idk when. Im still working on like...4 new stories for you to enjoy. Heh-  SO I just wanted to say that! Have a good rest of your Day/Night Loveys~!