
If you ever feel really dumb, just remember some people write fictional stories to bash fictional characters.


So... A lot of my works have been under editing recently! I'm working on the Re-write of 'Darkest Darkness Academy, which is rather different now, as characters have been renamed, plots have changed, and there is no academy. :) The first chapter should be posted soon under the title 'The Nightly Flame Brings Darkness'.
          There's also another work posted soon, 'Moon Child, Night Child' which is a bit of a flight of fancy that I happened to write. It's chapters are shorter than usual, but I've focused a lot on the quality rather than the word count. :) The story will feel more ethereal than the average fantasy, I've focused a lot on the characters 'finding' where they are and also finding themselves.


Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh Dude


@Salient- <3 nahhh still the same. And YESsss. It feels so strange and takes effort, maybe during the summer I'll try at it again. It'll be nice if we can have a similar thread on the new forum like the old days :")


@sereneur Heh thanks. OMG I thought his username changed. :0 
            The new forums are just like... urgh. :P Plus tbh now that I'm out of regularly using them, it's a bit of an effort to get back in. >:)


@Salient- omg you're too wholesome ahaha thank youu +.+ mhmm I spoke to kuro knives last month, but other than that, no one. You? I really should check out the new forums more but I miss the old one too much 




Omg you're alive! 