
Hi everyone! I just got a new laptop so hopefully I will be able to post a lot more. Thanks everyone, I love you, and please check out Wolf Bite!


Hey live ♡ thanks for the follow 


Meant to be love * but nvm lol


Hey everyone,
          so I switched to my laptop but now the chapters aren't uploading properly! It's so frustrating. If anyone has any ideas to help I would appreciate them immensely!
          I am using Edge (I know it sucks, but I cant be bothered to install something else that is only used for schoolwork) and I am trying to copy from Word into Wattpad. 
          Thank you!!


Wow, its been a while!
          I've been in the mood to write recently, but I'm having to go back through my PC and find all my work - it took a while as I forgot I had renamed the series! Anyway, I decided that I didn't like the way I had taken the first story originally, and I've been reinspired by AHS: Coven (of course xD) so I've decided I will try editing the chapters already published and rewrite later chapters that have not yet been uploaded. Once again I'm SO sorry for my break and hopefully I'll get some more chapters up soon!


Hello everyone! In the UK we start school tomorrow so I am likely to be much more organized. Has anyone got any tips for a new school year?? My favourite tip is to pretend you're already friends with everyone, it will make you feel so much more confident! Sending love to you all xx