
          	I have been pretty absent on this app as of late, and I apologize for that.  I am aiming to be more active this year and continuing onwards.  My first book, “A Witch’s Revenge” has been completed behind the scenes, however after discussing with publishers last year I decided to pull back and revise it.  I didn’t like the theme it had taken and the audience it would’ve attracted just wasn’t my target audience.  I want my stories to hold more meaning, not simply appeal to the masses and become cliche or lost of value, if that makes any sense.  I am greatly inspired by the works of Joseph Delaney, who I found after his passing has a very specific fan base of people just like me.  His stories didn’t take the world by the throat like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings, they were essentially an underground sensation.  All his readers I’ve been able to connect with found him in their childhood and felt the same almost obsessive, deep running comfort in them that I did.  Nobody I’ve talked to wasn’t deeply impacted by these books he wrote.  I want my stories to serve that same mission and heal people the same way.  What I wrote was compared too many times by too many publishers as something more fame-garnering than anything.  Which is lovely and I appreciate that, but again, it’s not my goal.  So I’m revising this book as well as releasing my sequel in bits and pieces so I can get feedback from you all throughout the process and see more clearly step by step how it’s coming together.  I appreciate all of you for that patience you’ve given me and hope to write something you’ll all love someday.  
          	For now a few works will be privated, but more is to come.


          I have been pretty absent on this app as of late, and I apologize for that.  I am aiming to be more active this year and continuing onwards.  My first book, “A Witch’s Revenge” has been completed behind the scenes, however after discussing with publishers last year I decided to pull back and revise it.  I didn’t like the theme it had taken and the audience it would’ve attracted just wasn’t my target audience.  I want my stories to hold more meaning, not simply appeal to the masses and become cliche or lost of value, if that makes any sense.  I am greatly inspired by the works of Joseph Delaney, who I found after his passing has a very specific fan base of people just like me.  His stories didn’t take the world by the throat like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings, they were essentially an underground sensation.  All his readers I’ve been able to connect with found him in their childhood and felt the same almost obsessive, deep running comfort in them that I did.  Nobody I’ve talked to wasn’t deeply impacted by these books he wrote.  I want my stories to serve that same mission and heal people the same way.  What I wrote was compared too many times by too many publishers as something more fame-garnering than anything.  Which is lovely and I appreciate that, but again, it’s not my goal.  So I’m revising this book as well as releasing my sequel in bits and pieces so I can get feedback from you all throughout the process and see more clearly step by step how it’s coming together.  I appreciate all of you for that patience you’ve given me and hope to write something you’ll all love someday.  
          For now a few works will be privated, but more is to come.