
Yes guys, I'm still alive haha
          	Just been delaying writing cause of everything going on and cause I'm so conflicted on where I want the story to go...
          	BUT one more week of school and then I get off for spring break. I promise to get my stuff together then /.\
          	Don't hate me! I still love you all c:


@WithNoHaands idk what happened or what "everything going on" means but I hope things are good and nothing is bothering you :) update whenever you feel like, it's your story after all 


Barely saw this comment!! 
            3 months later.... what a shame /.\ 
            but it doesn't change the fact that I really appreciate it :) Thankfully things are better for me! I hope you're doing great too ^.^ thanks again :)
            stay sweet and beautiful♡♡


Yes guys, I'm still alive haha
          Just been delaying writing cause of everything going on and cause I'm so conflicted on where I want the story to go...
          BUT one more week of school and then I get off for spring break. I promise to get my stuff together then /.\
          Don't hate me! I still love you all c:


Hay, just wanted to let you know i read your story like you asked;) and i can tell you girl you've got it going on! i spent a whole 3 hours reading it yesterday and i didn't once get bored. It's a really good story-line, i like it. It's even given some insperation* keep going with it, it's really, really good." I can't wait to find out what happens next ;)