
Morbid Monthly!
          	Not much happened in April. Sorry for that lapse!
          	I'm going to be young and sweet, officially the Dancing Queen on the 22nd (today when I'm writing this). It feels weird and funky, and I don't know how to handle it. I'm growing up. O d d. With that said, my summer is jam-packed. From leadership training to Girl's State, a Fly-In (if my stars are aligned), and getting a whole JOB, it's safe to say that I'm going to be busy this summer. I'm still going to write whenever I can, but please don't be hostile if it comes to where I need to put these stories on hold. 
          	I also had a falling out with a friend not too long ago and it's damaged my motivation to write INoA, as they were heavily involved in it with a character included, and I had to edit a massive chunk of the story. I'm merely posting from my backlog, so double-uploads will not be happening for a while until I can get back on track.
          	In better news, I'm getting into more fandoms and engaging with communities I haven't touched in ages as I re-explore the fresh and ripe days of the internet with Newgrounds and old YouTube series including- but not limited to- Riddle Transfer, Pico's School, Tankmen, Eddsworld, and Madness Combat to name a few. Friday Night Funkin woke something within me I didn't know existed. Yes, this means I'm writing extraneous fics because I'm a hyper-fixated simp. I find comfort in these things, and I'm just simply having a great time making OCs and whatnot.
          	Commissions are also open for art and writing! You can DM me here or on my Insta (link listed on my about page) for more info as I've also opened a RedBubble store! A majority of what I make goes into savings. I'd very much so appreciate if you guys could support me by buying from my store!!
          	Officially gained the MILF friend status,
          	--Morbid Finch


I tried posting this 16 times, sorry for it being a day late because Wattpad is stupid 


Morbid Monthly!
          Not much happened in April. Sorry for that lapse!
          I'm going to be young and sweet, officially the Dancing Queen on the 22nd (today when I'm writing this). It feels weird and funky, and I don't know how to handle it. I'm growing up. O d d. With that said, my summer is jam-packed. From leadership training to Girl's State, a Fly-In (if my stars are aligned), and getting a whole JOB, it's safe to say that I'm going to be busy this summer. I'm still going to write whenever I can, but please don't be hostile if it comes to where I need to put these stories on hold. 
          I also had a falling out with a friend not too long ago and it's damaged my motivation to write INoA, as they were heavily involved in it with a character included, and I had to edit a massive chunk of the story. I'm merely posting from my backlog, so double-uploads will not be happening for a while until I can get back on track.
          In better news, I'm getting into more fandoms and engaging with communities I haven't touched in ages as I re-explore the fresh and ripe days of the internet with Newgrounds and old YouTube series including- but not limited to- Riddle Transfer, Pico's School, Tankmen, Eddsworld, and Madness Combat to name a few. Friday Night Funkin woke something within me I didn't know existed. Yes, this means I'm writing extraneous fics because I'm a hyper-fixated simp. I find comfort in these things, and I'm just simply having a great time making OCs and whatnot.
          Commissions are also open for art and writing! You can DM me here or on my Insta (link listed on my about page) for more info as I've also opened a RedBubble store! A majority of what I make goes into savings. I'd very much so appreciate if you guys could support me by buying from my store!!
          Officially gained the MILF friend status,
          --Morbid Finch


I tried posting this 16 times, sorry for it being a day late because Wattpad is stupid 


Morbid Monthly!
          INoA contest is live on my Instagram!! If you wish to join, check out my story highlight on my page. Account is hyperlinked in my "about"!! I also have Scout cosplays on there?? Weird. 
          I double uploaded because I'm on break and depressed. That's it, that's all I wanted to say. 
          Ngl, hot cheetos are better,


@B33sKn33S nah you’re all good, I embrace the chaos at this point 


            I just saw the announcement 
            and I was like "Who are you, you hot mess of colours?"
            I apologise for the comment


Morbid Monthly!
          As we all know, Valentine's day sucks, so I double uploaded to hopefully counteract that. No, I do not have a date. That's why I doubled up ✌. It's also Black History Month! If you didn't know, I'm a black creator, so don't be afraid to show support if you wanna in anyway you want to.
          INoA might have a contest coming up... Who knows.... (psst, follow me on Instagram for updates about that at ((amayita.samita)) and you'll even get to see me do Scout cosplays!!)
          Vilheilms is still in the work, and I'm trying to get a backlog started as I do with INoA so I can keep updates consistent. It's going to be a more diverse take on the fantasy genre with a lot of characters from very different backgrounds coming together on their quest, so be on the lookout for updates on that as well. 
          I now own a Tumblr?? Crazy stuff, man, I know. https://woefulwordsmith.tumblr.com if you're wondering. Nuts if you ask me.
          Hoping you guys have a better Feb 14th than me,
          --Morbito Dorito


@cakelover365 Aaahskxkekfkdkfk I’m so glad my simp fest labeled fanfic got you through some rough times! Thank you for your kind words and compliments!!!✨


@Woeful_Wordsmith really late response because i constantly forget that wattpad has this feature but this fic lowkey made my february better because i got broken up with a few days after valentines :(((((( anyway thank you for being the awesome writer that you are and happy black history month!


@Woeful_Wordsmith only saw this now but honestly you're my favorite wattpad writer rn! happy late Valentine's Day!!!!!!!!!!! :D


Morbid Monthly!
          PARASITIC is now completed! A ride, for sure, and I'm so glad that the story I finally got to finish after three honking years was the one I did with my friends!
          A couple of things, too:
          I'm starting one-shot/ writing commissions! 
          Obviously, things are getting rough, and I don't have a job to support myself and my family as my mom might be out of work soon due to her respiratory problems. If you'd like to commission a one-shot that is written by me, please feel free to DM me, and we'll go over terms and payment options. 
          INoA is still going strong, and I don't know when it's going to stop, uh-- 
          It's a long-winded work that I'm embroiled in, and I'm dedicated to it. Just know that it's going to be over fifty chapters since I just got done writing chapter fifty.
          Last, but certainly not least, I'm starting a new original fantasy work/ possible series titled "Into the Thicket and Heart of Vilheilms" (subject to change in the future). It started out as an INoA AU idea that kinda branched away from it and became its own thing that has its own world-building and story now. I hope that it's peaked some of your interests and that you'll stick around to see it!
          Thank you all for reading my stories and showing all of the love and support you have been, I love you all!
          Uhhhh, Bingus,


@Woeful_Wordsmith Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. Oh and, good luck with your new series! Can't wait to read it.


Morbid Monthly!
          Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
          INoA just received a mega update in hopes of boosting people's cheers today if their holidays are known for not being that great. I hope I made it a little better!
          PARASITIC is nearing it's end and we're in the final stretch of the story. I suggest reading it to get all caught up on the twists and turns.
          Should anything happen in your household with your family, just know that I love you guys, think you're the most valid people on Earth, and wish you the best.
          Hi, yes, hello, I am your surrogate parent giving you validation,


@Woeful_Wordsmith i just opened my wattpad and saw your big ass update to INoA,,, brb binging 


@pug_hat maybe that's the plan 


Morbid Monthly!
          I recently decided to revamp my Linktree and Ko-fi, so if you'd like to show support or would like a one-shot commission done, please refer to my Ko-fi through my linktree. If you want to find me on other reading/ writing websites or want to find my Instagram, to the website listed in my bio!
          And that's all she wrote,


If you haven't noticed already, PARASITIC is now live with two chapters posted!
          PARASITIC posts on Wednesdays, and INoA stays planted on Fridays. These are my current major works, and I'm so excited to share these with you!
          Fun fact: the characters in PARASITIC are actually my friends! I came up with the idea of the fic because of how chaotic our games would get over Discord.
          Ever so sus,


What if, perhaps, I was to say that I'm currently working on two projects, one of which being "INoA?" and the other being an ensemble work I'm doing with my buddies that's basically a dramatized game of Among Us?
          I don't have enough pre-written chapters to release it yet, but its title will be "Parasitic" and it'll feature how I view the universe of Among Us! It'll be a sizable story, but nowhere near as much as I plan to have for "In Need of Assistance?" Follow my instagram, @/amayita.samita, for updates on that story, and also some sneak peaks of future chapters for "INoA?"
          Gold pan, gold pan,
          -Morbid Mundy