


So for at least 5 months I've procrastinated on reading Wings of Fire: Darkstalker , and I am so sorry that I waited so long. It is now one of my FAVORITE books as of 2:05pm, I love it so much
          1st- It is BEAUTIFULLY written, the story flows so well despite the time skips and character POVs
          2nd-Clearsight's thought process was described really well, it showed just how torn and indecisive she feels, and how she desperately tries to organize her thoughts and the lives of those around her because she feels that since she sees the possible futures of others, Clearsight holds herself responsible for every consequence and reaction
          3rd-Darkstalker's transformation from the charming adolescent prodigy to a murderous sociopath was flawless, the hints were so subtle and the lack of an obvious shift felt very realistic. 
          4th-The character relationships were beautiful, and I adored the connection between Indigo and Fathom. The relationship between Clearsight and Darkstalker was fascinating as well. They had a connection even before they met, and when they saw each other face to face it wasn't like cliché sparks flying, because they already had a strong connection. They loved each other until the very end. Darkstalker deeply cared for his friends, however his need for power twisted these feelings until he put his desire to better Clearsight and Fathom's lives over their desires. What's interesting is how he never felt the desire to alter Whiteout. I think it's because Whiteout feels a strong loyalty and dependency towards her brother, as he acted as her fierce protector throughout their lives. Her loyalty didn't waver when he brutally killed Arctic, and I think he is aware of how she feels and doesn't think she would leave him. I also liked the interesting personality of Whiteout, I was constantly engaged in trying to figure her out.
          Well anyways it was an amazing book, and is definitely now in my all time favorites.


I just finished the Hidden Oracle(finally) and YAS SUPER-SIZED MCSHIZZLE MAN IS BACK
          Also pg 255 is literally killing me, and now all I can picture is Dean flipping out over giant ants spitting acid on Baby with Sam and Cas trying to calm him down 
          Let's just have a moment of silence for the fact that Apollo who was basically grounded via becoming a mortal, told the king of the gods to be a man.