
Y’all, I swear I’ll update soon, I’m just waiting for my laptop to get here via delivery. So… yeah. Also the thing that I mentioned a few days ago, it was dms from Wattpad. 


Is anyone else having this issue where they have a red 1 on their notification bell but there isn’t any updates? Or is that just a me thing?


Glad I’m not the only one, must be a glitch or something in the system 


@WolfieChip118 I think I kinda have it now 


Had it in the past because dms give notifications but don’t tell you 


Quick Update on my life right now. I’m currently busy with graduation coming up soon so I won’t be able to post for a while. Plus, I have to focus all my energy into practicing my audition for the university I’m going to. So I won’t be able to update anything for a while. I’m also having issues with my school issues email. So, I won’t know how long that’s going to take. That’s all I have, but I’ll update once I’m done-ish for the summer. 


On a spiritual level, roses symbolize passion and sacrifice.
          The red rose is tired of hiding, and longs for Carte blanche. 
          The orange rose craves for tranquility, and peace of mind.
          The yellow rose desires for their kind to not be parti pris, however, they won't see reason.
          The green rose yearns to not be known to be feeble due to their kind's profession.
          The blue rose wishes for serenity amongst the chromatics, but finds it lacking as severe prejudice is running amok.
          The indigo rose aches for their daydream of a world full of compassion to become a reality.
          The violet rose hopes for liaison amidst their peers, but recognizes that their vision, is just that, a vision.
          The gray rose dreams of true friendship, ones where they can trust and be their for one another full heartedly.
          In numerology, the number 8 represents abundance, karma, manifestation, and power. It's considered an infinity symbol, symbolizing positive energy, change, the promise of boundless abundance, and the limitless power of spirituality and love to be more precise. It may be a sign to take your power back in situations where you've lost it. The number 8 is often associated with paradise. In angelic symbolism, the number 8 is defined by justice, leadership, prosperity, balance but it also represents karma. 


A little taste for what is to come. (I was inspired slightly by the book Six of Crows)


I’ve been inspired, so expect a new book soon. “The Red Rose.” You’ve probably heard that title before, that’s because I’ve used it on a previous book before I essentially deleted it because I didn’t have enough plot in my head. It’s also similar to “The Grey Rose” by LoneRanger so yeah.


I might be changing the title to something different but it’ll still have rose in the title name


I swear I’m not dead, but I am now officially 18 and that is terrifying-ish. Anyway, uh… idk when I’ll get back into writing, cause I honestly for got the plot for “Eternal Dream.” I’ll probably just make something new(the plot not the book).


I forgot about “Samsara” to(╥_╥)


Hey… so, how’s it been? I know I’ve been on a certain long hiatus for awhile and…well… I have an explanation. I’m officially a senior in high school, and that means colleges and scholarships. So, I don’t know when I’ll update again, but, it won’t be in the near future. However, I am not quitting so, that’s a plus! Anyway, hope you’ve having a goodnight/day!