
Hey! Just wanted to say your graphics are goals and you are the most creative person that could have ever lived.
          I just stalked your entire imgur and fell in love with your covers so hard!
          Keep beautifying wattpad with those lovelies!


@theweirdKLS Aw thank you so much for that super awesome-super sweet comment! Really made my day so thank you =D =)


this message may be offensive
The description for Broken Roads was absolutely stunning. I just stared at it when I was finished and I was like... dang. This book is gonna be my shit. I shared the description with my friend, as I was skyping her at the time I had been reading it, and she had the same reaction and she made me send the link to the story to her. Just wanted to let you know <3


@RebellionOfALifetime I'm glad to hear that!!! And of course it will, I have no doubts :) Good luck on your exam!


I'm completely over reacting here but thank you so much for taking an interest in Colliding Galaxies; it means so much to me (especially since you write so well). I'm still working on a cover but the covers for all of your novels are just beautiful (if that's the right word) so no matter what I come up with, it will be terrible in comparison. Anyhow, I shall try :3 No intention of spamming here, but update soon!


@DrunkenSky Haha, it was no problem. =) I really liked the summary and the writing is amazing.  :) 
            (updates will begin soon ;P)