
Story notifications seem to be bugging for people recently, so anyone following "Operation Cobra" or "But I'd Have Had To Miss The Dance," new chapters are up for each story!


Will you be updating Trouble Don’t, soon? 


@WritersBlock039 I understand thanks for the update xx


@OliviaHodgkinson I'm looking to get to writing it soon. Compared to the multishots I'm working on right now, "Trouble Don't" is much more episode-based, and with a full-time job, it's harder to carve out time to watch the episodes as I write. It's on my radar, though.


Writersblock039 I just happened to see an article about Southern California, more specifically the Los Angeles area, and it involved actor Rob Lowe's telling about his background of living in that area while growing up, and that some of his family were affected by the recent (and/or ongoing) wildfires there.
          If I remember correctly, Lowe's character Owen Strand was originally from the Los Angeles area before moving to New York City. (A case of Actor-Shared Background, to use the TV Tropes term for it)
          I'll add the article's weblink here in case you're interested in reading it. ;) (you might have to copy-and-paste it into a search bar if clicking it doesn't work)


I have a question. Would you allow someone to make a personal bind of one of your works? I absolutely adore Danger Zone & Trouble Don’t and would love to make binds of them. If not, I will not do so, but I thought I’d ask. 


@WritersBlock039 i completely understand ^^ 


@aaceteez I'll think about it! I may need to see it first to make a decision, though "Danger Zone" is one of my favorite books I've ever written.


@WritersBlock039 that’s crazy 0.o so people are just awful.  I’ll keep you updated once I get started then ^^ if you would happen to like a copy, please let me know. I could totally make you one as well as a thank you ^^


Nice to see unmatched records back even for a chapter to finish the Supergirl finale. 2 things for the adaption of Supergirl season 4. Like with turning for good into of two evils by having sam lane take Lillian's spot I could see him aligning at least with Ben Lockwood with their similar views on alien life on earth, maybe he's be  a candidate for lex's plans before sending mercy and Otis to work on agent liberty. And with how close lex was with his mother I could see part of his plan being to take down the vigilantes who took down Cadmus especially the archer in green, along the same level as his hatred of Superman and other kryptonians.


Hey, I just finished reading the Creater Saga and just wondered if you are continuing it all all? I absolutely love it, but I still have to read your other doctor who fanfic yet can't wait!! You're an amazing writer. Thank you for all your hard work on your stories.