
          	Writ3rG1rl > WutStiles


Hi! We were wondering if maybe you could do a Nouis One-Shot for us?
          Pair: Nouis Horanson
          Plot: Niall and Louis go to a bar and get trashed and Louis wants to go back to the hotel but Niall has a better idea and they end up shagging in Louis' car
          Ok thank you!!!!! 
          We love you
                        Sammi xx


@Writ3rG1rl I haven't even read it yet and I'm in love with it!! So excited, cannot contain it :D 
          I hate twilight too, with a burning passion and its weird cause I have no idea where this pint up angsty-vampire-stalkerish thing came from. Actually I blame it on not having a lot of vampire/werewolf/supernatural One Direction fanfictions, they're REALLY hard to come by. Especially the good ones. And of course not having cable, so that means no vampire diaries or supernatural o.o....I don't know how I'm surviving. 
          Anyhoo, thank you so much again :))) and have fun on your vacation, lucky bastard xx


          Alright, I'm getting sorta a Twilight-meets-Supernatural-meets-One Direction feel off this.
          Hope that's okay. :)
          I don't really like Twilight, but I have this part planned out for it that's sorta like part of it. So that's where the twilight comes in.
          I'm like inlove with Supernatural, and I'm getting sorta like a Sam/Ruby feel off this, except instead of a demon, Zayn would be a vampire. So that's where the Supernatural comes in.
          And One Direction because it's Ziall. I hope you don't mind but Louis and Harry won't really be in it. :s I may mention them, but I probably won't. But Liam is going to be in it. :)
          And, they will probably not be /in/ school, but they will be in a school. Sooo...
          Oh, and it's going to be fluff&angst.
          That's basically what's going to be my main thing to base it around. If you want anything in that main thing changed, let me know asap because I'm leaving for summer vacation soon, and I won't have wifi.
          But your one shot is on the list of things to be written during the summer and will be the first thing I post when I get back.


@Writ3rG1rl uuuhhhhhh. I suck at plots, I'm the most uncreative plot person. ever. but, ummm, I guess Zayn shall be the smexy vampire that's new to Niall's school and they're drawn to each other? wow, that was bland. you should look into doing a supernatural based fic! that would be like a little drop of fucking heaven. I love me some supernatural x) xx


@Mostlovecomesquickly Of course, I'm always open for requests :D
          But, I'm going to need you to go into detail, or I'm going to go all Destiel on this, and like base it on the actual show Supernatural :s
          So, just give me the plot :) And if this is smut or fluff (I think it's be better is it was fluff though, but it's up to you :))