
Happy Solstice!
          	From the Wyrm Lord! Thx to all my commoners peasantry ruffians followers who somehow believe in me enough to stay, your follow is all my little hapless cave could ask for. I'll try to rule with a happy and healthy heart but I have anxiety and... other stuff so that might be difficult. Still...
          	Have a Happy Solstice
          	Merry Christmas
          	Happy Hanukkah
          	Seasons Greetings
          	Splendid Day, and if the case arises...
          	Happy Birthday!
          	Ya little Wyrm.


Happy Solstice!
          From the Wyrm Lord! Thx to all my commoners peasantry ruffians followers who somehow believe in me enough to stay, your follow is all my little hapless cave could ask for. I'll try to rule with a happy and healthy heart but I have anxiety and... other stuff so that might be difficult. Still...
          Have a Happy Solstice
          Merry Christmas
          Happy Hanukkah
          Seasons Greetings
          Splendid Day, and if the case arises...
          Happy Birthday!
          Ya little Wyrm.


this message may be offensive
We're not here for long,
          We're only here long enough to do what must be done. Some of us aren't here long enough to do what we want to do. I'm followed by a long line of cancer, one of my best friends is affected by a tailbone deficiency that could kill her before the end of three years unless she gets an expensive surgery before then, and one of my other best friend is stuck in a genetic line of heart attacks that could kill the bastard before he's thirty.
          Genetics are such a bitch.
          But we don't want pity we want to help. I've come to learn that some of the kindest people have some of the biggest problems. Problems they can't solve. I wanna be like them, cause believe it or not but my best bros are my heroes. So, I wanna be here too.
          I'm here... I'm alive and my friends suggested that because I spend a lot of our friendship assuring people they they matter than I should help others. So I've started jumping between my internet facets and posting a similar message on each one, but basically they all say the same thing.
          Talk to me. I'll be here and I may not be able to solve your problems, but I'll do my damn best to make you feel better, whether it's to assure you that you are a vital part of this world or to tell you that you'll make out alive. So...
          Talk to Me.


Welp, heard it was coming out day, I ironically am probably one of the most confidant in my group when it comes to crap like this so most people already know that I'm queer as hell. What that means is that I date whoever I freakin want (You know, if they are actually willing to date this pile of trash) and I don't really know what that means for me other than it doesn't really matter. I'm given enough labels as it is.
          If there's any advice I can give to anyone coming out it's that you don't even have to say anything, you don't need a title unless you want one, just be you.
          All for now I guess,


Yo, I was wondering if anyone was up for a little cover making, I'm working on a new book called The Rent for a College Mansion and if anyone is up for a cover design than just P.M. me and I can give you book details and a small preview.
          Karma out,


Ok, but what the hell @Wattpad we get it, there was an update. Here's the problem though, accounts are being deleted and that's ok, I mean you own the place but, can you at least tell us why you're deleting them. All I'm worried about is not getting deleted without a reason. Just let everybody know what you want them to get off their accounts so we can do that, and if we refuse then yea, we are liable to be deleted because we were warned... Just tell us why Ok? Thx @Wattpad I appreciate it.


Thank you for taking care of Bree for me & I'm sorry I can't be there for her.


@IrisJamesMalfoy besides we take care of each other and so does Jen (one of our other friends)


@IrisJamesMalfoy Oh she told me about you