
If anyone wants to friend me on discord and talk: thewaterdragoness


SON- Is that you? Don't freak out- But yes it is me. I had a feeling to come back here so I did. Should I stay?
          Don't know when you'll be on but yeah-


Alrighty, but I won't be on as much.


Well, I got my ass kicked Four days ago. Some kids corned me and slapped me with spiky objects (Sticks and Needles that they got from hell knows where) I was left on the ground with scratches and bruises and my friends just saw me laying there knocked out on the ground. I had to get stitches and a eyepatch and stayed at home for a while- And the kids who beat me up were suspended, luckily... (I've told some people, but not everyone I love :)


@Winter_Watcher_ Perfect. Excuse me for about 10 minutes while I find where they are and make them regret it.


The white dragon was getting coronated today. He was quiet nervous, but knew he could do it, he had confidence like all of his other descendants. He stepped up and smiled as he watched his father coronate him. He knew he was ready, ready to be immature. Ready to be a good king. Ready to be a good son.