
So now Wattpad is removing PM. That confirms it. This app is officially dead. 
          	So I think it's time for me to pull a Lebron James and take my talents elsewhere. Specifically A03.
          	So if anyone wants to follow me on there to see what I have cooking, this is my A03 name: 
          	Anyway, I'll probably still read on here. But my writing days on here are over. It's high past time for me to move to a site where I'll have more freedom. 
          	So hopefully I'll see you guys on A03.


@XImmortal_StevenX Aye, I’ll be sure to follow. My user tag is the same as here “KingLamb1216”. 
          	  Ad Victoriam brother.


          	  See you there Man! I’ll still be posting on here but I mainly read on Ao3, Good vibes your way!


So now Wattpad is removing PM. That confirms it. This app is officially dead. 
          So I think it's time for me to pull a Lebron James and take my talents elsewhere. Specifically A03.
          So if anyone wants to follow me on there to see what I have cooking, this is my A03 name: 
          Anyway, I'll probably still read on here. But my writing days on here are over. It's high past time for me to move to a site where I'll have more freedom. 
          So hopefully I'll see you guys on A03.


@XImmortal_StevenX Aye, I’ll be sure to follow. My user tag is the same as here “KingLamb1216”. 
            Ad Victoriam brother.


            See you there Man! I’ll still be posting on here but I mainly read on Ao3, Good vibes your way!


Man, it's depressing how much artwork there is of Connie cheating on Steven.
          Like seriously: Why is the artwork so cheat heavy? Even worse is that it's Connie with guys older than her. And even worse than that: It's mostly with Greg! Yes, you read that right: There are people putting a teenage girl in NSFW situations with her boyfriend's father just to spite the boyfriend.....
          God, I wonder what the mindset of Connie's fans are. Actually, you know what? I don't wanna know...


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            All I have to say is…what the absolute fuck? Why do people make stuff like that?! I’m glad I never came across any, but just hearing about it makes me sick


            My guess about that one is basically drama and see if Steven would like to destroy everything because of it or cut ties with everyone he now hates and DESPISE WITH A PASSION.


@XImmortal_StevenX me either even though I don't like her even I think that's disgusting and I used to ship Anne and sprig Ughhhh just remembering that is making me cringe 


this message may be offensive
Wow. Wattpad's new Bullshit guidelines are gonna be the death of this app. Because once again, they address everything but the actual problems as well as completely disregarding the people who are getting their books/accounts deleted unfairly.
          Yeah, I'm glad I have an A03 account because this app is beyond saving.


Hi I'm just wondering how is life going? How is everyone doing? 


@XImmortal_StevenX  I'm know the app has been updated but I don't know the new guidelines so I feel a bit out of the loop.


@Shepard435 the only ones I saw were upping the age of consent to 18 


Is it weird that I find it easier to write/update on A03 than I do here on Wattpad? I was updating "He's Not Yours" the other day and it's strange how easy it was to begin a relationship between Steven and Boscha(Yes they're a thing now in the book).
          Meanwhile, it's become a chore to try and think of ideas for my stuff on here. Even my Crossover Skit Book is hard to think up stuff for because it feels like I've exhausted all my ideas for it and I'm just going through the motions with it at this point.
          I may even start a new Crossover Skit Book on A03 at some point.


@XImmortal_StevenX  Hey uh Jeremy? Remember when on your old account XxDiamond_GodxX you made those books "Lilac petals" and "Accepted". Are you gonna bring those books back or no? I'm just curious 