
Hey author can you do cross ange?


I can actually, thanks for the recommendation. Although next time, could you try to find a piece of media with over 50 female characters. 50's my minimum amount nowadays.


This is the greatest account of all time. I'm a historical-fiction author and I wanted to see if there were any books about Mayan mythology featuring the Goddess Awilix, and I stumbled upon a Smash or Pass of SMITE characters. Now I'm going down a rabbit hole of Smash or Pass scenarios from all sorts of media. I would absolutely be honored to comment on each chapter of every book to discuss why I agree or disagree with certain decisions, but I have a girlfriend and she wouldn't like that  so would you be up to explain your reasoning behind smashing or passing by writing a paragraph or two about each one in the books? Regardless, thank you for your time and effort to show your horny dedication for these fine women. I salute you, my good sir.


Sorry but I wouldn’t be able to give you a paragraph for most of them, since I don’t know these characters personally (whether it be their personality or anything else). Usually I base my decision on their looks, with other factors being applicable if they add to the original decision. Although I do appreciate the sentiment and thanks for the support.
            To your next point, I have to say I almost forgot Keijo was a thing until I was actually reminded by degenorocity on YouTube (ironic I know) but I’m glad you thought of it because if I wasn’t reminded of its existence before, this would’ve been a great wake up call.


@XavierAriasGonsalves Forgot to mention, but there's an anime called Keijo which I think would make for an absolutely terrific Smash Or Pass entry. I'm actually surprised you haven't covered it yet. I have a feeling every single character will be an absolute smash.