
hey love,
          if you don't mind, can you please check out my new story 'crash'? i'd really appreciate it. i just published it recently, so i have almost no views aside from my best friend.
          it has a lot of talk about anxiety and panic attacks, so if this triggers you then you probably should not check it out. thank you very much <3


hiiiiiiiiiii!!! can u plz check my mew teenfiction. Its called My Online Boyfriend


@_Louis_Directioner_ I'm done. you really need to update... for someone who's mother language isn't The Queens language, you're doing fairly well. I will continue reading, IF, you're story line us more sorted out. I would be hooked if there wasn't so little chapters. But, great job. Keep it up. 


@_Louis_Directioner_ sure... I would love to. :) 