
          	i just wanna shout them out again since i have more followers now (thank you by the way!) and they've started a new story! if u like harry potter go check it out :D


@Adhhsfggnghfj thanks for asking :>
          (Long story short God loves you no
          matter what.  I'm not very good at explaining and this was pretty long) 
          I was born into christianity so I just kind of grew up with it but I've learned that Jesus and God both love you very much.
          They love you no matter what you've done or your background.  It's never too late to turn around! :)  God created us to be like him but ever since Adam and Eve sinned for the first time it has become part of our lives, which is why God sent Jesus to earth.  Jesus died for our sins so that we will be forgiven and can go to heaven one day if we believe in him.  Also I've heard that historians have found proof Jesus was on earth 


Please go report 
          @ /   ovals-and-circles
          they are doing terrible things 
          and hating on @icycomluver who is going through a super hard time right please pray for both of them❤️


i didn't want to @ them directly sorry but if you search ovals and circles in the search it is the only username result