
this message may be offensive
Hey guys so my phone is broken and I won't be able to update for a while because my mother will ground me. I am at school and I had just found this out so when I tell my mother... she will kill me. And i will be grounded from devices for a loooooonnng time. If I do update, jut know that I am at school on the laptop doing it here.


this message may be offensive
Hey guys so my phone is broken and I won't be able to update for a while because my mother will ground me. I am at school and I had just found this out so when I tell my mother... she will kill me. And i will be grounded from devices for a loooooonnng time. If I do update, jut know that I am at school on the laptop doing it here.


Hey guys. Sorry for not updating yesterday but I had gotten grounded. I might start the walking dead imagines book soon. Maybe this weekend. And The Powder Factory will be updated soon i promise. I love you guys! thanks for all of the reads! And always push through because somewhere, somebody has to have it worse than you.


Hey guys I had updated the Powder Factory book so please check it out! If it is boring, I am sorry but it getting late. An I still have to do a few things. So please check it out! Thanks! I have nothing else to say sooooo... BBBAAAIII XleeleebooX