
Hey idk if ur here in colorado springs but if u are can u help find my dog she went missing last night and we can't find her I live on 2240 Anthony ct 80916 
          	Her name is penut she is 4 pounds tan and white has a bump at the end of her tail she is scared of strangers but will allow them to hold her plz help ill be forever grateful to whoever finds her 


Right, sorry, we found her after an 8 hr search she was picked up from the pound 


@XoxiGonzalezLena has she been found yet? It been like 1-2 years ❤(I live in Pennsylvania)


Hey idk if ur here in colorado springs but if u are can u help find my dog she went missing last night and we can't find her I live on 2240 Anthony ct 80916 
          Her name is penut she is 4 pounds tan and white has a bump at the end of her tail she is scared of strangers but will allow them to hold her plz help ill be forever grateful to whoever finds her 


Right, sorry, we found her after an 8 hr search she was picked up from the pound 


@XoxiGonzalezLena has she been found yet? It been like 1-2 years ❤(I live in Pennsylvania)


There is now a new update in Mothers of mutation hope you enjoy and have a good day or night around the world hope to write more apologies for school has been kicking at me and grades so things are slow especially with metal finding the motivation and time to write thank  u for your patients


Hello, followers, I wanted to let you know if you didn't before that there is a new story I made all inspired by littlebabyturtlelove. Who I've gotten permission to do this I'm working on a chapter I know I haven't worked on in a long while and I apologize for that please enjoy and tell me what you think.


I am in need of help I want to make a cover for the new story I making mother of mutations I'm willing to collaberat with anyone who have digital or photo edit experiance my are low and I want the cover to look like what I want in my mind if there is any one plz email me thank you plz reply 


x j g o n 1 3 @ g m a i l . Com


There is a website that I've come across its old by 2012 of May but its called https://www.fanfiction.net/    
          it's like webtoons and I've found a writer that I personally love due to the TMNT writing their called littlebabyturtlelove sadly there have been no updates since 3-4 years but they are great to read multiply times.


All right hope u like


I’ll have to take a look, I recently watched the movies and now my obsession is back XD