So, I suppose it's time to fill this out. Just so you know, the only reason I haven't done so until now is because I have a serious fear of internet stalkers...So please, if you are a creep, just exit this page right now.

As for info that cyber stalkers wouldn't find useful:

1) I love Kung Fu movies. I don't usually say this out loud, but since I'll never meet any of you I don't mind admitting it. Bruce Lee is tops. Jackie Chan and Jet Li are chumps.

2) Authors that rock my world include: Rowling the Great, Ally Carter, Kate Morton, Meg Cabot, Rick Riordan.

3) I stick to the YA fiction scene because I don't like reading graphic sex stuff, and dirty language.

4) Pastimes I favor are: photography, photoshop, writing, gaming, kayaking, hiking, and chillin' with those I love.

5) Ice cream is my favorite food group...and chicken. I'm all about chicken.

6) I jam to the likes of: Linkin Park, Chevelle, The Killers, Muse, Lady Gaga, Jack Johnson, Evanescence, Juanes, La Oreja de Van Gogh, One Republic, Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato. I think I have musical ADD.

7) Besides Kung Fu movies, things I love to do when nobody is looking are: singing, dancing, and picking my nose (jk, on the last one).

8) I speak Spanish too.

9) If I were to draw a portrait of you, I guarantee you would cry when you saw it--not tears of joy, mind you. Yes, I am that bad at drawing.

10) I am an advocate for good grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and everything else that makes writing clear and concise.

11) I ♥ Words
  • Not Telling
  • انضمJune 6, 2011

الرسالة الأخيرة
XundecidedX XundecidedX Mar 14, 2014 03:16PM
@jowanz well, you have my permission to pretend that you are Millie. I won't tell. ;) 
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