
Hi everyone I-.................... I was board so I just decided to just type here so yeah HELLO EVERYONE


HELLO PEOPLE, I am back I would like to write a story because it's summer and I don't have much planned this summer so if anyone would like to give any ideas I am all arms. I know I said I was not making the book again but you know I had nothing else to do so. BYE I HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD DAY AND GOD BLESS YOU ALL.


Hi beautiful people to day I have to say something serious if you go to @Todoroki_Shoto1203 and go to he / she third published story you should read it that made me broke my heart when I read that and find out how bad this racist act is going on. Dear Lord Father Help This Generation


@UwU_DevilDeku1o1 Thank you for spreading awareness! Means so much to me that people are actually taking this seriously. I hope that you have a blessed day.


Hi my Beautiful People today is shout out day well for me but go fined them and follow
          Shout outs to:


@UwU_DevilDeku1o1 oh mah gaud I got a shout out! Yay!


@UwU_DevilDeku1o1 Thanks for the shout out!


          So this challenge is a Mha challenge ( Mha stands for: My Hero Academia) Where you get to freestyle, you have to come up with the best ship, best story line, best ending ,and best prodigy for your story. You have to write up to 5 chapters of the story. If you think it is the best choice for you, you can mix and anime with it, here are your choices
          ANIME CHOICES:
          Tokyo Ghoul
          AOT ( Attack on Titan )
          Demon Slayer
          Seven Deadly Sins 
          Dragon Ball Z
          One piece 
          Hunter x Hunter 
          Death Note
          DUE DATE:
          The deadline to turn in this story is Jan 1 just send the link of your story in at the bottom
          In the comment section, I will tell you who won on Jan 8. THANKS FOR PARTICIPATING


Hi my Beautiful people I am sorry I did not send at 12:00 it toke long than exspected I am actually still doing that important something so sorry but I have to prospone the challenge till tomorrow I hope you understand byeeee


oh so that also means that the deadline is untile tomorrow know so people who did not get to join you have untile tomrrow