
Hello everyone! I am so so sorry for not updating in like 45 years but I still haven't got my new laptop and I'm working on like 12 books because my friends keep asking me to make new ones. Also I  can't really update at school because i have so little time to do so. Please forgive me I will update as soon as my 13 year old self can do.


Hello everyone! I am so so sorry for not updating in like 45 years but I still haven't got my new laptop and I'm working on like 12 books because my friends keep asking me to make new ones. Also I  can't really update at school because i have so little time to do so. Please forgive me I will update as soon as my 13 year old self can do.


OK so I'm gonna start a scenario book for ohshc and I'm having writers block on what to call it or what its gonna be about. So please drop a comment down below and what you think it should be, Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!
          Also this February ill be getting a lap top and ill update sooner, ok thats it.