


Sorry I haven't added any chapters lately! My mental health has been kinda down and I haven't found the motivation to do anything. 
          Chapters will come back soon! I just kinda got a lot on my plate. Welp, have a good day/night and drink plenty of water! 


this message may be offensive
Okay, I've seen a  lot of you guys comment on the new chapter about da two gay boys fucking. And to that I say, do you want me to make them have intercourse? 
          I mean, I wasn't my original intention but if y'all want that, I'll do it. Just not as detailed as smut stories are, I'm not really comfortable with going into detail about that, but I can write smut. 
          Is that what you guys want? 
          If so let me know! 


Update gamers! I'll rewrite Toxic! There's many reasons why, but the main one is that I had other things in mind. The story had a lot planned but I didn't really know to to do! 
          So, one day I just thought, why not just rewrite it? So I'll work on it so enough, other than that. Keep tabs up on Face ;) 


Okay everyone! The Fundywastaken (Fwt) story has been posted! It's a little different from what I usually do but it's still the same old style with some angst and fluff :D
          I hope y'all will check it out, only if you want to though! Other than that, Face updates will be more frequent. School has been off my butt so I think I'll be able to get out a chapter this week ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
          Have a wonderful day! Drink some water and eat some cookies :) ❤