
So I have this English teacher at school (we have 4 in total). She teaches English III and Creative Writing. She has taken up to getting angry at students for little things. I have only seen her get super angry at females as she thinks one of the most obnoxious males is precious. So my friend was on a college day, and I had promised to tell her what was going on in the class by messaging her of hangout since phones are against the rules. For some reason, my teacher didn't want me to tell my friend what was going on. Well, I went to open my chrome book to message her and just as I hit enter I hear, "close your computer." I had mentioned that I was talking to said friend because she had asked me to and I had promised that I would and she started scolding me. She mentioned that "I never listen to authority and how in the real world if I deliberately ignore "orders" then I'm going to get canned." If you don't have any idea I I listen to the rules and am generally a well-behaved teenager. She wouldn't let me explain let me explain that it was for class. To top everything off, we were doodling for our graphic novels were suppose to be creating (that was also another reason for messaging my friend, she's my partner) and she said it was quiet doodling time. While we were doodling one of my classmates was talking the whole time, and they weren't exactly quiet about talking, yet not once did they get in trouble for talking, even though my teacher had said no talking.


So I have this English teacher at school (we have 4 in total). She teaches English III and Creative Writing. She has taken up to getting angry at students for little things. I have only seen her get super angry at females as she thinks one of the most obnoxious males is precious. So my friend was on a college day, and I had promised to tell her what was going on in the class by messaging her of hangout since phones are against the rules. For some reason, my teacher didn't want me to tell my friend what was going on. Well, I went to open my chrome book to message her and just as I hit enter I hear, "close your computer." I had mentioned that I was talking to said friend because she had asked me to and I had promised that I would and she started scolding me. She mentioned that "I never listen to authority and how in the real world if I deliberately ignore "orders" then I'm going to get canned." If you don't have any idea I I listen to the rules and am generally a well-behaved teenager. She wouldn't let me explain let me explain that it was for class. To top everything off, we were doodling for our graphic novels were suppose to be creating (that was also another reason for messaging my friend, she's my partner) and she said it was quiet doodling time. While we were doodling one of my classmates was talking the whole time, and they weren't exactly quiet about talking, yet not once did they get in trouble for talking, even though my teacher had said no talking.