
Hi Guys,
          	I have not been on Wattpad for so long now! Everything seems to have changed since I last logged on, with paid stories and coins? I have no idea what is going on anymore hahah. If someone could message me and update me on what is going on with Wattpad and what is new and what has been taken away please message me and let me know! Also message me if there are any stories that you would like me to write or update for you! 
          	Perri xx


@ XxParadiseLostxX  heyyyy , somethings changed since you were away, but I am extremely happy that you are back! So the first thing is that there are now offline story's but you have to pay for it if you want more than two offline story's. Then you can read paid storys with your coins, but also for that you need to pay. I think that were the most important things that changed so yeah! Like I said I am really happy that you are back, can you please check your private messages, I wrote one to you. Have a good day!


Hi Guys,
          I have not been on Wattpad for so long now! Everything seems to have changed since I last logged on, with paid stories and coins? I have no idea what is going on anymore hahah. If someone could message me and update me on what is going on with Wattpad and what is new and what has been taken away please message me and let me know! Also message me if there are any stories that you would like me to write or update for you! 
          Perri xx


@ XxParadiseLostxX  heyyyy , somethings changed since you were away, but I am extremely happy that you are back! So the first thing is that there are now offline story's but you have to pay for it if you want more than two offline story's. Then you can read paid storys with your coins, but also for that you need to pay. I think that were the most important things that changed so yeah! Like I said I am really happy that you are back, can you please check your private messages, I wrote one to you. Have a good day!


I love your with or without you fan fic but when will you write the rest of it its been a year of clifhanngers bro but good job I love it


Hey I’m so sorry this message is so late. Like a long time coming. I was thinking of finishing my fanfic with or without you soon. Would you still like to read it? 


Hey Guys, I am so sorry I haven't been online in a long time. I've had barely any time to myself to write or read :( But today I've got some time. I'm going to spend my entire day writing and reading and replying to all your messages :) If you have a Fanfic of mine that you want me to update straight away you can message me and I'll get right on it :) If you want me to read any of your fanfics then send me a link and I'll read them :) I do have A Walking Dead Fanfic coming soon too :) Thanks for being so patient with me. My life is such a mess right now :P xxx


@XxParadiseLostxX  remember the yj fan fic with or without you well I just want ed to know if your writeing it anymore because I want to read it all


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been on in so long. My has gotten so busy lately. I've been writing for The Walking Dead fandom recently and I have just updated my Fanfic "The Halloween Curse" for all my Paranorman and Rise of the Guardian followers out there :) Go ahead and check it out and let me know what you think :) Also if anyone has any requests on chapters they want to see soon on any fanfics I have please let me know! :)


Hey guys! I haven't posted anything in so long but I just did now. I updated my Young Justice Fanfiction With or Without You! :) Please go check it out and let me know what you think in the comments :) If you are waiting for me to update another Fanfic that I have on here just message me and let me know :) Love Perri :) <3 x


Hey Perri!
          I just finished reading Trick or Treat, and I must say is was Brilliant. I loved everything about it, and just want to congratulate you for being gifted with such talents. Are you a Jelsa Shipper, or you are sticking to Hally and Jack ;)?


            Hey! Thanks so much for taking the time to read the Fanfic :) It means so much to me that you enjoyed reading it :) I haven't read any Jelsa fanfics yet due to my busy time table but I would have to say I'm a Hally and Jack shipper xD Though I do ship Jack with every Fanfic I've read on him xD