
Whoever keeps reading my first creepypasta book r y’all ok???? That book made no sense AND had so many spelling mistakes lmao....nonetheless I appreciate that u guys still support a problematic story like mine so thank you :) 


@Sss_Otaku dude....I made this post last year and I’m barley responding but holy this comment just sent me ❤️ 


@XxWindigoAfxX Well I read it and I have to say that was a very beautiful book I love how it was a 《Proxy x reader》 but u also put Jeff x reader in there to. I really enjoyed the book I wanted to read more when I got to the end TuT but I did enjoy it so if u ever get the time make some more of them ur a really talented person!


Whoever keeps reading my first creepypasta book r y’all ok???? That book made no sense AND had so many spelling mistakes lmao....nonetheless I appreciate that u guys still support a problematic story like mine so thank you :) 


@Sss_Otaku dude....I made this post last year and I’m barley responding but holy this comment just sent me ❤️ 


@XxWindigoAfxX Well I read it and I have to say that was a very beautiful book I love how it was a 《Proxy x reader》 but u also put Jeff x reader in there to. I really enjoyed the book I wanted to read more when I got to the end TuT but I did enjoy it so if u ever get the time make some more of them ur a really talented person!