
@Vampiregirlinlove Hi :) Um, I would love to upload the arrangement. But, I gave no clue where to take the series at this moment in time.


First things first, I am deeply sorry about the lack of updates and the lack of communication. I really am, but I do have a life outside wattpad which was more important than thinking of story lines.Which leads me to my second point, I'm leaving. 
          Not forever, but I have been thinking about this a lot and I just can't find it in me at the moment to complete any of my stories. I've re-read the ones I personally thought I could salvage and continue, but even those I can't find in me to write. It may be due not being used to writing original stories, since I've been writing more fanfictions than writing original stories. I find them more free to write I guess. In my perspective, fanfictions give me an unlimited amount of freedom, than writing my own stories. Which it shouldn't be. 
          My mojo for writing original stories may be lacking and I don't want to push myself to continue any stories half-arsed. And having the endings of my characters, ones that they don't deserve. I think back to their stories and I've realised they deserve a better ending than one that I rushed because I was stumped. So until I can truly write again, I won't be posting anymore. I don't know when I'll post again, or if I'll even write again, and due to this, I may be taking my stories down. 
          Since it's unfair that the newest and oldest followers don't get an ending they have been waiting for and I don't want people following me if they aren't going to get the endings and chapters they deserve. I don't know if I'll keep this account open or even make another account, but for now I'll keep it open and I'm going to be in the process of taking some stories down that I think aren't up to scratch anymore. 
          I am deeply sorry, and I have tried to get into writing, even attempting to write a new story didn't end well. So I am sorry and I'll try to keep you all up to date with my decisions. But from what I can gather from my current feelings, I am going to be leaving Wattpad. Just the writing side. 
          Megan x


Guys, I am so sorry for not updating in ages. I've just had a lot of things going on recently :/ it is my last year of school before college so it's kind of hectic for me at the moment. I will try to update, in the half term week coming up soon, if I don't get any work to do, thanks to those who fanned me recently :) you are literally amazing and I'm so sorry I haven't been on at all in a month, my homework is piling up like everyday and I'm just trying to keep up and barely finding time to read, let alone write anything. Once I'm in a period of time when I have no work I will finish a story as I do want to show you guys something :) so thanks for sticking with me you awesome people :D and see ya for now...
          Megan x


Hey guy's, I know it's been a very long time since I last updated, and I'm extremely sorry about that. It's just, I've started reading more than I have writing. I mean I love to write but I just have been reading fan fictions on Doctor who XD I will try and upload the final two chapters of Resisting Fate, but it won't be until sometime in late September. Mostly because I start school again on Wednesday and need to ease myself back into doing homework and get my sleeping schedule sorted before I start writing anymore. Thank's to those who have fanned me recently :) I'm sorry I haven't said thank you personally but I've just been busy with trying to get my school stuff ready and finishing late pieces of summer work. 
          Thank's for sticking with me guys :) 
          Megan x


Hey guys, I'm currently writing the next chapter of Resisting Fate. I will finish it this year, probably by October at the latest. The prequel, Falling For You will always be my side project, along side Her Secret Unleashed. They are a work in progress and will by finished by this or next year. I'm not posting anymore stories untill I finish the current ones I have. My main  story will be Resisting Fate, then I'll be focusing on Loving Thy Enemy alongside A Shifter's Love and The Prince's Challenge. The stories I started earlier in the year or 2 years ago will probably be re-written as I really don't like the way some of them are turning out. All y stories will be be completed and when they are I will start a new story, I just want to finish these before bringing any new ones out. I obviously will be writing new stories whilst completing these stories. Like I have started a Glee FanFic, but that may not be posted because it's not that good and it's for my own enjoyment and how I think Glee should be like. So look out for updates and If I do finish a story that you like, please vote and comment :D So that I know you liked it :) 
          Updating later tonight hopefully :)