
I have never met u, but we all have our battles and sometimes we r battling ourselves. I have went through, and still am in depression from everything having happend in my life. but u need to keep on living and being who u r. so don't say u want to kill urself. DM me if u want, I will listen to anything u need to say.


Also if you think about it from a Biblical standpoint, every person on the planet deserves to die, but Jesus died on the cross so that we don't have to anymore. So if you are sad because of something you did, remember that not a single sin is greater or lesser than another. All are the same. If you pray and ask forgiveness for your sins, God will forgive you instantly. No catches or anything. And then all you have to do is forgive yourself. I know what it's like to be depressed, and I know that when you fall below your standard, you feel that you have wronged the world and God. And that cold, tight feeling in your stomach can be hard to shake. Remember that God and Jesus love you no matter what you have done, said, thought or felt. Literally un-conditional love. When no one else will love you, God will.