I am a multi shipper in multiple fandoms, the main ones at the moment being My Hero Academia, Hermitcraft and Haikyuu.
(Preferred pronouns are She/Her but I don't mind)

I love reading fanfics, listening to music hanging out with friends and watching YouTube.
I am always here to listen if you want to private message and vent to me, and I will see if I can help if you want.
I am on AO3 although I'm still not 100% sure how to use it.
I am on AO3 as JustyourlocalFandomLover.
If you have any good fanfiction recommendations please feel free to share with me, or if your looking for fanfic recommendations please feel free to ask.
  • Probably reading multiply fanfics at once, and listening to music
  • انضمMarch 21, 2023

الرسالة الأخيرة
Y0url0calFand0mL0ver Y0url0calFand0mL0ver Jun 08, 2024 09:49PM
New pfp!! And theme lessgo
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصة بقلم JustyourlocalFandomLover
My Outfit for Wattpad Prom I Guess? بقلم Y0url0calFand0mL0ver
My Outfit for Wattpad Prom I Guess?
Quite literally what the title says ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪_^
16 قوائم قراءة