          	it's me.
          	How have you guys been? I've been doing okay. Have been preparing for the oral exam that's on Wednesday. I wouldn't say I'm confident that I'll write an A, but I hope so.
          	I'll be uploading the next chapter in a few minutes, just scan the text a bit.
          	Nothing really interesting happend this week. I'm currently reading a book that will be helping write better texts.
          	How's your week been so far?
          	Anyway, I hope you have a nice whatever time of the day/night it is!


@BLAficionado Aww, thank you! ♡ You're so cute ^♡^ <3


@YAOIToRead Sorry to hear that nobody's been responding to your posts, but that's OK, I'm here!
          	  I really, really LOVE your profile bio!  Such simple, yet compelling words. I will read your story soon and will tell you what I think of it throughout my comments. :D


hi! just wanna stop by and say i absolutely ADORE your book! 


no problem, take ur time! 


@EMERILEA Thank you! ♡ Though it will take a bit till the next chapter is out, still trying to get out of that writers-block ^^


          it's me.
          How have you guys been? I've been doing okay. Have been preparing for the oral exam that's on Wednesday. I wouldn't say I'm confident that I'll write an A, but I hope so.
          I'll be uploading the next chapter in a few minutes, just scan the text a bit.
          Nothing really interesting happend this week. I'm currently reading a book that will be helping write better texts.
          How's your week been so far?
          Anyway, I hope you have a nice whatever time of the day/night it is!


@BLAficionado Aww, thank you! ♡ You're so cute ^♡^ <3


@YAOIToRead Sorry to hear that nobody's been responding to your posts, but that's OK, I'm here!
            I really, really LOVE your profile bio!  Such simple, yet compelling words. I will read your story soon and will tell you what I think of it throughout my comments. :D


          it's me.
          First of all..
          HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! \('^'`\)
          I wish you all the best, that your wishes will come true and to stay healthy! <3
          Do you have any special things planned for 2020? If so, please let me know!
          I don't have anything planned be honest, except that I'll try to work on my story more and not to neglect it like I'm doing right now ^^''
          I hope you have a nice whatever time of the day/night it is!


Hello Guys,
          It's me.
          I know it's been awhile since I posted my last "Diary Entry" , and I'm sorry for neglecting not only my Diary, but also my story "Change Their Fate System" .
          I finished the fourth our fifth chapter (It's been a long time, I'm sorry), but I also cut it off a lot shorter than I planned. I think the following chapter would be the longer one then.
          Again, I'm so sorry. I don't really have any excuse. Also, Merry Christmas and for those who don't celebrate Christmas like me, I hope you have a nice whatever time of the day it is!


Hello guys,
          It's me.
          First of all, I want to apologize for not doing this online-"Diary" last week, I was really busy, -trying to keep up with school and stuff like that. I hope you'll forgive me ♡
          Anyways, last week has been pretty boring and I haven't worked at the new chapter AT ALL. I don't know why, but I don't have the motivation.
          This week Wednesday, I'll be meeting one of my teachers. She'll be giving me some books that will help me Improve my English and the story, so I'll be excited about that.
          Also, I have a question for you all. Do you know any websites or/and artists that will draw multiple characters for 100 (or less, or even a bit more) dollars? I'd really appreciate it if you could recommend me any/one.
          Anyways, I hope you have a nice whatever time of the day/night it is!


Hey guys, It's me.
          How have you guys been lately? I'm doing pretty okay. Also, this is like the first official entry.
          I tried to work on the book yesterday, but I just...Didn't have the motivation. 
          School has been alright, we're writing a test on Friday. Not really excited about that.
          This is all for today I guess, my week hasn't been that exciting, what about your week?
          Anyways, I hope you have a nice whatever time of the day/night it is!


Hey guys,
          It's me.
          From now on I'll post a message like this once or twice every week. This will kind of be an online diary. I'll also post progress on the story and all that stuff. Also, I'm so sorry for not updating for awhile. The 5th chapter will be a very long one (Around 4k words) as an apology.
          Anyways, hope you have a nice whatever time of the day/night it is!