Honestly, I'm debating on putting MGK in my book because I'm not a big fan of him anymore. I mean there are certain things that people say on the internet about him being a p3do and I hate it when I hear something like that. His new music isn't as good as it used to be. If you all still want to support him and his music, I will respect that as long as you respect my opinion. I'm not hating on him or anything it's just a hard decision to make. I don't want to support bad people, but I haven't really done my research about that situation. I will still love you guys even in you still like him. It's just he doesn't sit right with me anymore. I don't know. What do you guys think?


Honestly, I'm debating on putting MGK in my book because I'm not a big fan of him anymore. I mean there are certain things that people say on the internet about him being a p3do and I hate it when I hear something like that. His new music isn't as good as it used to be. If you all still want to support him and his music, I will respect that as long as you respect my opinion. I'm not hating on him or anything it's just a hard decision to make. I don't want to support bad people, but I haven't really done my research about that situation. I will still love you guys even in you still like him. It's just he doesn't sit right with me anymore. I don't know. What do you guys think?




Ok, so I was wondering since I’ll be making a Yungblud fanfic, who would like to be tagged in every chapter? 
          So if you’d like to be tagged can you please let me know if you’d like to be tagged or not


Should I post a story about YUNGBLUD?!?!


@Love_YUNGBLUD_22 its funny that this is a question.
            sorry if that came out rude, i dont mean it to.
            Y E S. I NEED IT. PLEASE. RIGHT NOW.




it was my birthday yesterday so thats cool. almost have the same b-day


When I first listened to Yungblud he sounded pretty British to me. But now that I’m used to his voice he now no longer has that British accent anymore....


@Love_YUNGBLUD_22 honestly it does. Once you get used to his British voice it’s like it’s not there anymore