
Thanks for the support, and how's life?


@Yamato_711 Hello again, I hope things are going well . I hope you enjoyed the chapters. I've uploaded the chapters I've uploaded since the last time you commented and reviewed, especially the movie chapters. Would love to hear what you think, especially since I'm introducing Hornet II, Massachusetts, and Duke of York. It will be interesting, I'm sure. But anyway, I hope you're doing well


Hey ^^ life is busy and hard. But I want you to know I’m reading your chapters. When I have time I will come back and comment on them :) I loved the chapter of Wales and Eugen. Also how Belfast dragged enterprise by the tie again . When I have free time I want to go back and comment on them. But I’m still here. To be honest when I see you update my days are not so shitty anymore. Keep up the good work ☺️