
If I publish a new book about one-shot story, do you guys want to read? 
          	Suggestion of genres and ships are open. Feel free to give me any genres and ships you want to read and I will do my best to write a one-shot story about it. ^^ 


Sure, I need ur content in these oneshot. Your the best ever seen


@snowy48 I will write one later.. Haha


Hey author please try to upload my pshyo alpha,I really wanted to read.


@Yayashcj98 yes a new chapter pls author 


You mean a new chapter? 


If I publish a new book about one-shot story, do you guys want to read? 
          Suggestion of genres and ships are open. Feel free to give me any genres and ships you want to read and I will do my best to write a one-shot story about it. ^^ 


Sure, I need ur content in these oneshot. Your the best ever seen


@snowy48 I will write one later.. Haha


1 2 1 2 test.. Hi everyone! How have you all been? It's been a long time since we last interact. Huhuu.. 
          First of all, I miss everyone so much! T_T
          Secondly, I'm so sorry for leaving you hanging with my ongoing stories. The thing is I don't know if I can continue writing them again or not. Working as a teacher is really stressful for me. To the point it's making me want to throw up whenever I try to sit and just write a story; wanting to throw up not because I hate writing but because I've been facing this laptop for too long while doing my work as a teacher. 
          This is the path I choose and I know I can't complain about it. LOL. 
          And even if I want to continue the story again, I need to read them from the beginning since I already forgot about the storyline. >_< huhuu
          I really want to finish what I start but it's really hard for me keep going. 
          And lastly, to my new readers and followers, thank you very much for spending your time reading my story. I really did read all of your comments tho. 
          Last but not least, I don't know how TayNew are doing nowadays. I hope we all have a group chat where you can give me info about their days because I rarely open my ig anymore in order to follow their activities or schedules. 
          Feel free to dm me if there's anything.
          I might not be able to continue writing now, but I'm not going to disappear and leave you hanging forever. Heheee~


@Yayashcj98 take rest author...we will wait for u


@Yayashcj98 we can understand dear but come back with taynew stories more