
Hey guys...2 things. 
          	1) I seriously love you all and I am still shocked every time I get on here and I still have all you amazing people following me  but it gets me kinda down to see old messages where people have asked me to update, so I will be deleting those. But this is to say, to everyone I didn't have time to reply to in person, thank you for sticking in there and trying to motivate me. I love you. 
          	2) I am considering writing an original work and posting it on here. It'll be a big project that I plan on publishing if I finish it. I've been on a mermaid kick recently and just have an idea stuck in my head...can we get a vote on who would read it?? 
          	Thanks guys! Stay great! 


Hey guys...2 things. 
          1) I seriously love you all and I am still shocked every time I get on here and I still have all you amazing people following me  but it gets me kinda down to see old messages where people have asked me to update, so I will be deleting those. But this is to say, to everyone I didn't have time to reply to in person, thank you for sticking in there and trying to motivate me. I love you. 
          2) I am considering writing an original work and posting it on here. It'll be a big project that I plan on publishing if I finish it. I've been on a mermaid kick recently and just have an idea stuck in my head...can we get a vote on who would read it?? 
          Thanks guys! Stay great! 


Dude, you are the king! Lol. Thank you so much for mentioning Yassen... I thought it was just me... Absolutely love your bio❤


@VichakshieDayakumara Awwww you are welcome. *blush* ;):D


@VichakshieDayakumara well I'm pretty sure I would date you based on your profile pic lol. Thanks for the sweet words darling!


When will you update head on collision!?? I love it soooooo much!!


@ilove3101 thank you for understanding darling.


@ilove3101 hey, so super sorry but I have made the decision to delete my story...I started it when I was 12 years old and I'm 16 now. My writing style has grown, and my interests have drastically changed (I will always love both the Avengers and PJO) but I have no drive to write about them any longer. I'm so sorry. 


Hey I just randomly found your account and I love it!
          Another thing is that I most certainly love the Artemis fowl books and I can read and write fluently in it! Youtr bio basically describes me! I'm sorry if you find that weird but I'm socially awkward so what can I say?!?! Idk if you read this but if you did thank you.*dramatically drops mic and walks out*


@VichakshieDayakumara omg well thank you so much!!!  :>


@UndrEstimatedSarcasm Even though I don't like people commenting "same" to other people's comments, just this once I really want to say Same.... :) Love your bio.....