
New chapter out! Check it out!!


@Yeayoudidntseemehere * Ayup! You just got a new follower!! >:D


Knock, knock! Surprise! A full-fledged, The Amazing Digital Circus (Jax) fanfic will be in the works soon. <3
           See you guys there. <33


            DUDE??? it's so good to hear from you again I thought you left wattpad when I could not find your account anywhere, excited for the book! :D


Everything's okay now!! It was just a HUGE misunderstanding. They're taking a social break 'n stuff, and I just didn't know about it. We both properly apologized to each other. We're okay. <3


            That's great!!! I'm so happy for you!! :D


More of a personal thing, but oh well.
          I think my best friend is cutting me off. They live hours away, so I can't really talk to them in person. 
          We were fine until about a week (ish) ago. 
          I have them on Snapchat, and they keep leaving me on 'opened'. They won't talk to me. I'll ask if they're ok, but they won't respond.
          Even after pouring my heart out about how I felt and what their sudden silence was doing to me, they didn't answer.
          I don't know what to do at this point.
          I haven't done anything to upset them, I know that for a fact.
          I can't lose another friend. I've already lost so many.
          Please, I need help.


            Oh god. that is awful, I'm so sorry that this is happing to you, I've had this happen to me and I don't want anyone to go through it as well. I really hope they respond


@Yeayoudidntseemehere I'm really sorry that happened. I hope they respond


@Yeayoudidntseemehere I'm sorry to hear that I don't know what to do though because you already told how you feel when they are ignoring you




I have a question and I want your opinions on it.
          If I use Grammarly's 'improve sentence' feature on my writing, is it still my writing? Is that an okay thing to do, or should I stick to my own stuff? Would you guys want a chapter with JUST the improved sentences Grammarly did for me? 
          I guess what I'm trying to say is: Am I still a valid writer if I use those functions Grammarly provides?


            Thank you! I really needed to hear that! <333


            Of course it's still your writing! you're still writing the major of it, Grammarly is just proof reading it. or whatever it's called,, No one should get mad at you for just working on your writing.


            Maybe, but,
            The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal bodeboop. A sing lap should be completed every time you hear this sound. ding Remember to run in a straight line and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark. Get ready!… Start. ding


I apologize to everyone that's requested on the undertale book- specifically the one's I haven't fulfilled requests for. I haven't had much motivation to write, and I can't promise an exact time ob when they'll be published, but I'll try my best to start/ continue writing them. <3