
Ok, so, I’ve been gone for awhile, life’s been busy. I’m back now though bitches!!


I woke up at 4:20 (lol) am this morning to my dogs coming to my room. The smoke alarm was beeping and one of them got scared, and the other one just wanted to come for the fun. Molly jumped in my bed and slept with me for a while until she moved to my bathroom and slept in there. Duke eventually went downstairs on his own. When I got up in the morning Molly went to the downstairs bath tub and hid in it for a while lol. Just felt like sharing


Wassup people. How have y’all been feeling today? Hopefully good. If not, I hope it gets better. You can always talk to me, kay? Love y’all, take care. ❤️


Schools always stressful. For me it's a D:


            Everything’s alright, school’s doing a lot of stress but otherwise it’s great :D
            How are you doing? Is everything (:D) or (D:)?
            Take care ❤️


My birthday was on the 15!! Happy late birthday to me lol. I got an iPhone and a bunch of books that I really like. Pretty good birthday.


@_thea_leroy_ Thanks! It was a pretty good day, Tanks for asking! 


Happy late Birthday <3
            I hope you had a great day :D


Does anyone else feel like your friends just don't care about you anymore? Like you're just there, but not really there? I feel like that. I also came out tot them last year as gender fluid, but only one of my friends aks me what my pronouns are. If I say ONE thing about me being gender fluid, they'll go, "Oh yeah, I forgot you were THAT." Now I feel like I can't be myself anywhere snd it sucks. It feels like there's no more safe places anymore. I just... can't


@_thea_leroy_ Yeah, people suck. Had to learn it the hard way. Wish people went fucktarts, but that’s how the world works ig. It sucks, but it’s true. Btw, loved how you used buddy, made me feel absolutely great! Ly <3


@pixldrop_ I wish I had actual social media so we could chat more as well! No rush on writing btw! Take as much time as you need! Talk to you soon <3


I’m so sorry buddy D:
            It truly hurts if people act like that :(
            I can’t really punch anyone from here…
            I was talking to one of my classmates a few days ago and found out that she was homophobic. Oh welp.
            We are certainly not going to be friends.
            There are always people who first are your friends and then are like SIKE
            Sounds like a grandma-thing to say… but it takes time to find the right friends :/ I’ve been there


So, one of my best friends started talking about how one day I would lose my sister, and when I got mad at her, she said that she knew this was going to happen. Like, you can’t just text someone at 2 am just to tell them that they’re going to lose the person that’s always been there for them and expect them to not get mad! Cause now all I can think about is how we might fall out one day, or I might lose her, and I can’t stop crying. She’s never been there for me like my sister has. She’s been by my side ever since we’ve known each other. And that’s a long time. My eyes just won’t stop leaking. Help?


@_thea_leroy_ lol, you really know how to make my day! Me and my sister are fine btw, but my friend and I are still on pretty bad terms. It’s ok though, cause at least I have my sis. That’s all that matters. Ly <3


Some people are such moth- monsters.
            I’m really sorry for you :(
            I hope everything will be fine with your sister and you <3
            And that person better get lost or imma *insert John Cena punch*