
"When life is heavy and hard to take, go off by yourself. Enter the silence. Bow in prayer. Don't ask questions: wait for hope to appear. Don't run from trouble. Take it full-face. The "worst" is never the worst."
          	-Lamentations 3:28-30 MSG


I really love your book The Proof Of Your Love. It's very different from any of the books that I've reading wattpad. It actually describes what happens in the dark side of the real world. How only Jesus can save you from any addiction and deep pits. Thank you for not fearing to write a book like this because most Christian don't know about things like this  or if they knew they wouldn't talk about it. I've read this book like three times and it still doesn't get boring. Ok that's enough of me blabbering. God bless you.


@acsjoan1611 you're welcome . Thanks for being brave enough to write a story like that without thinking about what others thought


@acsjoan1611 oh, and thank you for taking time out of your day to send such encouraging words to me, too! :D Sometimes I wonder if what I write is half-decent, even though I know I'm supposed to write. So comments like yours are really encouraging, and much appreciated. :D


            In short, this book was inspired by a lot of people, statistics, and the nudging of God to speak out. God is the one who told me to write it, & I probably wouldn't have without that nudge. It is uncomfortable & not that many people wanna hear it or admit to being addicted to porn, but how will things change if we don't open our mouths?
            Anyways, I hope that answers your question haha :D I kind of went on a lot of bunny trails there, but those are just a few. :)
            Hope you're having a beautiful day! \^_^/


Hii There My First Favorite Author Of Wattpad  
          You must have probably forgotten me coz this is my another account here.
          I loved your book 'Hollywood's Cover Up Girl' so much!!!! It actually one of the best fiction I have read on Wattpad and even in real.
          But unfortunately you've deleted that work.
          Please please please re-publish it!!!!
          All Glitters and Happiness To You!!!!!
          Take Care.


@moonofmillennium oh, okay. That'd be fine! ^_^ 
            No problem! 


@YouHadMeAt_Believe So glad to get a reply from your side <3 !!!!!! I will message you from my original account I haven't  deleted that yet :) !!!  Thanks for thinking about a republish of it <3 <3 <3 
            xoxoxoxoxoxo !


@moonofmillennium aww, you're so sweet! :D thank you so much!
            What was your original account? I might remember your username. :)
            I actually forgot about that book, maybe one day I can share it again whenever I have edited it. Right now, it is in serious need of editing, but if I ever do share it again, I will be sure to send out a message so you know it's up on wattpad again! :D
            Glitters to you too! Have an awesome day! ^_^


@YouHadMeAt_Believe love the book of Nehemiah!!!!


Yeah it's interesting! :)


@dylanobrien although, I'm not sure if anyone could love quite like God. Idk. Maybe I'll have to ask him haha :D


@dylanobrien you're welcome, I mean it.
            That's an interesting thought, it makes sense. If you love God with your whole life, you will love your husband the way God loves the church, possibly? And vice versa. I think I like that analogy. :) 


"Therefore You delivered them into the hand of their enemies, who distressed them. In the time of their suffering when they cried to You, You heard them from heaven, and according to Your abundant mercy You gave them deliverers, who saved them from their enemies." Nehemiah 9:27


Chapter 4 of The Prayers of Orphans is updated. I have included a song in this chapter called "Like The Ocean" by Brothers from their newish album Here And Now. If you are into double pedal, Jesus metal, have a listen and check their stuff out! :D 
          Hope you all are having a beautiful day!