<h2 style="text-align:center">We Want to Hear YOUR Story, India!</h2> 
<b>The Global Education Platform is teaming up with Wattpad to launch YourStoryIndia, the largest and most inclusive digital writing contest in India! The contest is about YOU, the youth of India and we want to hear your story.</b>

Top winners will receive an HP laptop, a feature story in the Times of India, and promotion on the Wattpad platform and the Global Business Coalition for Education website. Guest celebrities will also tweet about YOU and your story!

<b>Stories can be written in the category of Action, Non-Fiction, Adventure, Paranormal, ChickLit, Poetry, Classics, Random, Fanfiction, Romance, Fantasy, Science Fiction, General Fiction, Short Story, Historical Fiction, Spiritual, Horror, Teen Fiction, Humor, Vampire, Mystery / Thriller, or Werewolf</b>

<b>*</b> Just tag your story #YourStoryIndia to enter!
<b>*</b> You may submit your story in the following languages: English, Hindi, Malayalam, Bengali, Urdu, Tamil, Gujarati, Oriya, Punjabi, Assamese.
<b>*</b> If your story is in English, you must reside in India.
<b>*</b> If your story is in the following languages Hindi, Malayalam, Bengali, Urdu, Tamil, Gujarati, Oriya, Punjabi, or Assamese you can enter from anywhere in the world
<b>*</b> You can enter as many stories as you would like!
<b>*</b> You must be at least 13 years of age to enter the contest
<b>*</b>Contest runs Oct 1, 2015 - March 31, 2016.

The contest is part of the Global Education Platform, an initiative of the Global Business Coalition for Education which works with companies, governments and NGOs that are employing innovative models of educational delivery, with a focus on feature phones and low-cost smartphones. By accelerating technologies that allow youth populations to access, search and create locally relevant content we hope to provide access to locally relevant reading content via mobile phones.
  • India
  • انضمSeptember 2, 2015

الرسالة الأخيرة
YourStoryIndia YourStoryIndia May 26, 2016 03:32PM
Hello Wattpad!After reviewing the concerns regarding completed stories for the winners chosen we have thoroughly assessed the finalists and the stories they have submitted. After careful consultatio...
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Your Story India Writing Contest! بقلم YourStoryIndia
Your Story India Writing Contest!
The Global Education Platform is teaming up with Wattpad to launch YourStoryIndia, the largest and most inclu...
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ranking #5 في writingcontest إظهار جميع المراتِب
Tweet Your Story to Win! بقلم YourStoryIndia
Tweet Your Story to Win!
**The Tweet Your Story to Win Contest is Now Closed**
ranking #862 في writingcontest إظهار جميع المراتِب
17 قوائم قراءة