
Hi everyone! I've been getting more writing time recently and school's been letting up, so I've been getting more time freed. I'm going to try as hard as I can for you guys to get out as many chapters as I can. I also want to thank you all for understanding and for not giving me any negative backlash on my kind-of-forced-because-of-my-dad break (read previously post if you don't understand). I appreciate all of you and hope you have a great day/night.


@Your_Ordinary_Ultima You too!! Hope you have an awesome day/night, I'm glad that your back! :3


Hi everyone! I've been getting more writing time recently and school's been letting up, so I've been getting more time freed. I'm going to try as hard as I can for you guys to get out as many chapters as I can. I also want to thank you all for understanding and for not giving me any negative backlash on my kind-of-forced-because-of-my-dad break (read previously post if you don't understand). I appreciate all of you and hope you have a great day/night.


@Your_Ordinary_Ultima You too!! Hope you have an awesome day/night, I'm glad that your back! :3


I may not be posting often anymore as my dad changed his password to his computer and I don't know it. :( It is what I write on since my laptop charger broke and I haven't been able to get one. I'll try as hard as I can for you guys. I love you all. Thank you for all this support.


I recently (so like I found out just now) hit twenty followers! Thank you guys so much for everything! I've been trying to update every few days for you guys since I'm on spring break, but I'll make sure to work my butt off to post after I get home from school. My school year is close to an end and if I don't finish A Little Sugar Turned the Vinegar Sweet I'm pretty sure I will over the upcoming summer. But thank you all for your continuous love and support! You're the best! Have a great day/night.


Happy Christmas Eve everyone who celebrates Christmas (I do)! Happy Hanukkah to everyone who celebrates Hanukkah! Happy Kwanzaa to everyone who celebrates Kwanzaa! And Happy anything else to everyone if you are celebrating something not listed here! I wish you all a great day/night!