• a few things about me: the music I listen to is: emo, pop punk, indie, pop, etc.

• top bands (not in order): fob, p!atd, ptv, mcr, bmth, sleep token, paramore and a fucklot more.

• also apart of the sam and colby fandom, jake and johnnie also (the tinas), some other fandoms i probably forgot.
• elton can go die. 👊🤜🧑🏻🖕

#FUCKCANCER. so proud that colby beat cancer.

• colby is the emo god 🖤. sam, he's just sam, we love him for that 💛.

• their merch sells out so god damn quickly.

• peace, love, and stay hydrated.
  • JoinedJuly 27, 2023