
hello,MINNA!!!thank you for all the followers I got!!!its my first time even if I don't write stories yet!!!I've been preparing for almost a year to put up a plot about my fanfiction!!!^_^anyway,ARIGATO!!!


12-25-2015  11:09 AM ♥
          MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
          MERRY CHRISTMASSS!!!!!!
          SEE WHAT I SANG THERE???ugh nevermind,anyway...kon'nichiwa minna!!!its me,Yui-chan!!!how are your happy holiday today???I'm so happy I got 90 followers here and 78 one in my current account!!!anyway,I'm just here to tell you that...MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!*throws rocks of glitters everywhere* anyway,gotta go!!!MATTA NE!!! ^w^


*screams* KYAAA,2 DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMASSS OMFG IM SO EXCITED AS HELL!!! *runs in circles happily* x3
          all : *looks at me weirdly* -_-
          me : ANYWAY...omg,MY FOLLOWERS ARE GETTING BIGGY BIGGY NOW!!!ARIGATOU DESU!!!*bows* I know that I have all thanked you for a long time and I KNOW that its irritating but please...hear this...I SO FVCKĪNG MISS YA ALL!!!*cries* T^T
          ANYWAYYY!!!I'm really am excited and I'm just here to check on ya guys!!! ^_< anyway...good day to you all and I bid you all good night!!!
          or day...
          or afternoon...
          or noon...
          or early night...
          or midnight...
          or early morning...
          ARGH,MATTA NE KUDASAI!!!*barge out* >_<


12/10/2015 1:33 am
          hiya,its me!!!I'm still alive motherfvckah!!!
          (yeah,my new habit...geez -.-)
          anyway,how are ya???its near christmas!!!well,in here...I guess *shrugs*
          anyway (2nd time,sheez -.-),as I was saying...wait,where was I???
          friend : no where??? xD
          me : shut your crappy mouth,nigga ♦^♦
          friend : yeah yeah,and shut ya nose xDDD
          me : I hate ya,motherfvckah -.-
          friend : and I love ya too!!! ^_<
          me : HENTAI,HENTAI,HENTAIII!!!*smacks her with a book* O_O#
          as I was saying,I GOT 81 FOLLOWERS HERE OMG YESSS!!!arigatou-desu minna!!!*bows* even though this account of mine is inactive (which is very VERY obvious),you followed me with all of your heart...or did ya??? O_õ
          anyway,christmas is near!!!and SCHOOL BREAK IS FVCKĪNG NEARRR!!!and yeah,god bless ya all...or also satan...no,how about death...ugh nevermind...anyway,good day...or night???UGH,JA NE!!!*slams door shut* -.-


12-03-2015 6:10 pm
          KONIICHIWA,MINNAAA!!!yay!!!its finally- oh wait *coughs* ehem,sorry...I mean...ITS NEARBY CHRISTMAS YAY!!!*does the weird wobbly dance* anyway,as I was saying...christmas is near by now and I'm so excited about school break!!!OH YEAH,SCHOOL BREAK IS ABOUT TO START ABOUT 2 WEEKS FROM NOWWW!!!ehehehe,anyway...how are ya all doing???if its great then good!!!if its not,then be happy...cuz its your duty!!!(wtf,what did I just said O_O)...anyway,its a long time since I last updated my new (not really) story and IM SO SORRYYY!!!*bows repeatedly* anyway,have a merry good luck minna!!!
          matta ne kudasai!!! ♥
          P.S. be happy ,for your own safety †‡†


koniichiwa,minna-san!!!how are you doing!!!its near halloween and I want to greet you so...HAPPY HALLOWEEN,MINNA-SAN!!!heehee,now then...Thank you for all of my followers,thanks for the ones who stood by myside and be my friend and THANK YOU FOR WHO READ MY STORIES IN THIS ACCOUNT!!!again,arigato gozaimasu ^w^


KONIICHIWA,MINNA-SAN!!!hehe,I miss you so much!!!how are ya all doing???its been a long time since I visited this...well...umm...not so much...sooooo...HEY!!!I just wanted to thank you for reading my former stories and for following my former account which is a.k.a YuikaMichaelis !!!I'm so happy!!!^_^,anyway have a nice day!!!matta-ne!!!♥