
Reverse Harem Falling For Them anthologies volume 2 and volume 3 are both now live on Amazon and available on KU. I have a story in volume 3!! Over 750 pages in volume 2 and a 1,000 in volume 3!! 


Hey, for those that were reading my stories Tallulah Falls, The Four Knights, I have some news. I've signed contracts for both and I've set up an Author page on Facebook. The link is below, I'd love to see you all over there so join up. I'll be keeping everyone up to date on there about where I am on timelines and eventually release dates. Love to you all!! <3 <3 


Hey, For those of you that read Tallulah Falls, I have some news. I've recently completed this story, done the edits and sent it off to a publishing house. 
          Tallulah and her boys got accepted! I don't know any real information yet or release dates. But when I do, I'll be sure to let you all know. Thank you for your continued support. Means the absolute world to me.


Hey, I'm sorry I'm being the bearer of bad news today. After a recent conversation it has been advised that i remove any stories off wattpad that i wish to publish. i want to say a massive thank you to everyone that voted on the four knights and Tallulah falls. its means more than i can possibly say. i wish i could keep it up for you guys to carry on reading through, but unfortunately it isn't an option for me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you guys have done. i promise I'll do you all proud by publishing a worthy story :)


Hey guys, i have a book published in the Falling For Them volume 3. Its Reverse Harem!! <3 


Thank you all three of you. It means the world. Im absolutely publishing 4k if it kills me


@zoe1uk1988  I hope you will be able to get your stories published soon I would love to see how four knights ends. I'm in love with your stories


Love your stories... will you be updating four knights soon , can't wait 


@Akrasko I'd like to say i am, and hopefully will soon, but I'm snowed under with a rewrite for it. I have a very rough draft for the next chapter, but i honestly dont think it's worthy to go up. I will try not to leave you hanging too long. Thank you for your continued support 


Hey, im sorry to announce this, but im taking a short break and wont be updating for a while......  JUST KIDDING!!! Geez i dont think you really need the pitch forks..... thats it, put them down... phew.
          ANYWAY i just want to say thankyou to everyone thats following me. I try to post a message on everyones page to say a personal thankyou, but ive lost track of where i was, im sorry. Now im rambling.... anyway thankyou to everyone thats following me, taking the time to comment and vote on my stories, it means the world to me. @MDePeel also plays a massive part in The Four Knights, she has a couple of stories of her own if you get bored of waiting for my updates. 


Hahaha! For a second there, you scared me 


U seem like an amazing person to follow but for some reason wattpad isn't letting me follow u


We all love wattpad but hate it when it doesn't work properly


Aww thank u


@GhostBirdieHere i'm sorry, wattpad is being a complete pain recently. I'll see if i can follow you :) 